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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot


    he will call them "an axis of guys acting like jerks"
  2. i only gave you my opinion. i wasn't trying to tell you what to do, only my what my concerns would be if i was running 5~8 seconds slower per lap than the rest of the field and a 45+ mphs speed differential (and that's just the 600's... the fast liter bikes run faster lap times and and as you say, hitting 175mph+ on the back straight probably). i'm sure you're fast in the corners, and i hope you pass me around the outside, giving me the finger. maybe i'll learn something.
  3. don't you play coy, Mister "I only did 1 weekend there and ran 1:01's" i'm sure there are A guys running slower times, but i'd be more worried about closing speeds on the back straight. maybe talk to todd karam about it and see what he thinks. i don't know if I'd want 600's and 1000's bearing down at me at 150 mph while relatively putting around at 110ish, but i can see why you'd want to get away from I group.
  4. cue pauly's trademark "fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkk" god damn right. make a fake cc if you want, just keep sending them cookies.
  5. but then how will people mail me birthday cookies with the appropriate year on it? the year stays!
  6. Check the phil recovery fund thread on AFJ for info, but you can send money to the below email address. ONLY SEND AS A GIFT FROM YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT SO THE GUY HANDLING THE FUNDS DOESN'T GET CHARGED (if you send from your credit card or not as a gift or any combination of that, he gets charged fees). Also, the guy handling it all will throw in an extra $100 for every $1000 donated. irocgod@yahoo.com
  7. Youre totally right... its like gagging yourself on a banana and then on a frozen chocolate covered banana. They are definitely not the exact same.
  8. Say Dan and Jassen are in, just one more time. And I ain't calling in shiet
  9. We should call ahead and setup a group thing to try to make it cheaper
  10. jrmmiii should buy this and do more track days with it. oh wait, he's not on here, too bad.
  11. oh, i'm only going there for the karts. i dunno why you gaylords are even taking your bikes there for.
  12. Since I pre-registered for once and since TRMN8TR is so not on top of it, I guess I will post this thread. Come one, come all to play on saturday and sunday in beautiful Wampum, Pennsylvania. BeaveRun/PIRC is a great track and motoseries is a great org to race/ride with. It is on September 14 and 15, the track day being on the saturday the 14th. Most of us will get there friday night, and hang out saturday night to ride go karts and drink and skull fuck hollywood's bike. I will be there to ride in Advanced on satuday (probably not coaching, though I may give the occasional tow around in Intermediate if anyone needs one) and racing on sunday. Post up if you're going, wanna go, have questions, not sure, and generally need to be peer pressured into going.
  13. i know not all of you race, but keep an eye on this for those of you interested in Phil's recovery http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?25124-Heal-up-phil-the-thrill!!! and some help he might need: http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?25132-Phil-the-thrill-s-recovery-fund-Help-us-out!!
  14. phil went down on sunday during the 2nd 600 sprint (race 4). you might be thinking of an incident during the track day.
  15. other than phil's crash, and taft's little incident, the weekend was a great one. everything from... witnessing some amazing generosity: tom letting ryan neu borrow his b-bike so he can race and stay in the points, a mini 40 racer letting dan borrow his r6 so he can stay in the points (and dan ended up getting a 2nd place with a busted up hip, elbow, and other things), and of course, brandon and ryan and ron helping me with my shit since i'm incompetent and couldn't even get my rear wheel back on by myself. witnessing some amazing improvements: ron getting into the 15's, ryan into the 13's, and craig and brandon into the 12's, and matt getting back on form and looking all hollywood and shit having some amazing battles with phil, matt, brandon and others. and getting forcefed some humble pie by getting my doors absolutely blown off by tom huey on his old ass (but meticulously maintained) r6 and then losing sight of him within a couple laps. just a great weekend overall. some hardware never hurts either.... (don't be too impressed, most of this was because of the very light attendance) brandon's goodies on the left, mine on the right. i believe ryan picked some up too, and i'm sure others. all in all, our little contingent did well. congrats too all who made headway this weekend. and above all else... i'm thinking of phil who high sided in 4, got ran over by a rider (who had no place to go and not enough time to react), and suffered from a broken vertebrae but thankfully no actual nerve damage. he's in surgery today/tonight, and i hope he makes a full recovery. i saw it very up close and personal, and it was a sobering reminder of just how serious this little hobby can get that we just do for amusement.
  16. I hope you strapped your bike down, cause there isn't a chance in hell we are gonna crawl/climb all the way up there to get to your shit. There's probably enough crap everywhere around it to keep it still. Probably.
  17. better deals here: deal 1 deal 2
  18. it's ok to not understand context. that's just magdor 101.
  19. hahaha and no, i'm not butthurt. magdor hunting is a rather enjoyable past time for me.
  20. magdor, really... i get it. you are stuck on dictionary definitions, as magtards will, and i'm stuck on living in the real world, where social connotations really do mean something and should be considered. go back to that fantasy land where you get to convince yourself that you operate on your own brand of magtardian logic and free thinking, which is your excuse for hypocrisy and conflicting principles. as for your comments about the founding fathers... i'm really sorry to hear about your home schooling. if all you know are "did you know these shocking truths about our founding fathers? next, on TMZ" shit, then maybe study moar.
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