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Everything posted by jbot

  1. we should stop posting computer specs and simply post the number of full 4K res porn we can simultaneously play on our quad 32" apple cinema displays mounted above the fireplace mantel.
  2. we just call him "der bar juden"
  3. why anyone would want LESS freedom and options, is beyond me. While it's very unlikely to pass since Ohio is filled with dildos who can't get out of their own way, or at least vacate the left lane, feel it absolutely compulsory to rubber neck, and other such stupidities, i've been in plenty of situations where clear language allowing lane splitting would have allowed me to slowly and safely get past stupid stop and go traffic. instead, i just did it anyway cause fuck you that's why. the end.
  4. suggestion would be to relate a real life personal story about how you (or someone else) had to lane split during heavy traffic to either prevent your bike from stopping and causing even more traffic, or how you narrowly avoided getting smashed into a meat-metal pancake when some asshat rear ended the car you were just behind. just some thoughts.
  5. i'll donate when you finally get a real bike.
  6. think of the sweet innocent babies that are scampering across or jumping into the desolate highway while chugging arizona watermelon drink, skittles and robitussin. you just didn't see or notice them because they were wearing a dark hoodie, Duane Zimmerman.
  7. phones are gay. tablet/phone hybrids are where it's at. haven't you always wanted to hold a fucking nintendo cartridge to the side of your face to make a call?
  8. it used to be an all black bike, bro
  9. Wait wait, when Jesus saved Mary Magdalene from the stoners, did he tell her to get her bitch ass back into the kitchen? He did, am I right?
  10. my work here is done. my only regret is not finding out what kind of sandals KZ900 wore, so I too could be just a bit more like heyzeus.
  11. here's to hoping the husband is on here and he finds out and we get some local drama llama going
  12. as you feed thousands of people with only a few loaves of bread and even less fish, do you think to yourself, "Imma throw the first stone cause that's how i rolllll"
  13. when you turn water into wine, does it take more concentration than texting on a smartphone?
  14. tell us more tales of your godliness, holy one. all bow to the water walker.
  15. i just wish kz900 would tell us about his/her life so we can model our life around his perfect, blemish free sense judgement. surely, he has never sped, rolled through a stop sign, left his lights off while it's raining in certain states, or anything else that could potentially result in him mowing down a thousand sweet succulent innocent babies. please, jesus like KZ900, sing us the song of your people, so that we may learn to be more like you.
  16. i just like looking into its cold, dead eyes.
  17. hopefully both sprints and either 20 or 40 depending on who is doing what. i have a loooooot of catching up to do. .....i squinted i usually go for the rear naked choke but sometimes you want to take your time.
  18. well, brandon had the idear to check the TPS (also because we were going to basically just start swapping every fucking thing, but wanted to try the TPS first). after some mucking about, we (and I use the word "we" very loosely) figured out that the symptoms of my bike matched the TPS being shorted out and the bike trying to open the throttle bodies without knowing how much fueling to provide via TPS, which puts it into limp mode and stall it. this lead "us" to trace the TPS wires to the main harness bundle, and along the big bundle, there was a spot on the frame that was sharp and we found a TINY TINY (like, almost as tiny as r1antdick's erect wiener) nick in the bundle which exposed the wire that fed the 5V signal to the TPS. By tiny, not only do I mean smaller than kevin's vestigial penis, but also, it was just a pink spot the size of a pin head showing through the friction tape/electrical tape. sadly, we didn't have any electrical tape or friction tape, so just to test it out, we taped up with some painters tape and slapped it back together, fired it up and voila! no more codes. we ran out, spent 45 minutes at walmart getting various tapes and other items for a rape kit, and got back and put about 14 pounds of tape on the spot where it wore through and covered up the sharp spots on the frame as best we could. i didn't get to test ride it but we're all but certain it is fixed. so, yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  19. updates: i've named my bike pandaarrr. ronstoppable dressed up pandaarrr a bit and they grow up so fast... now, with mustache
  20. trmn8tr is a genius, pandaarrr is ready and, as an added bonus... Ladies, i hope your bodies are ready:
  21. jbot


    2012 Triumph 675ARRRR Panda Edition, henceforth known as Pandaarrr
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