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Everything posted by jbot

  1. you should worry more about the knee cap issues you'll have if you DON'T show up. i know where you live, you've been on internet TV.
  3. pics of the first 3 items and the power wheel? does the power wheel still run and hold charge ok? how long/how many minutes/hours will it run for before needing a charge?
  4. if you're not friends with marty and liked his page, you're missing out: unless, of course... YOU WEREN'T COOL ENOUGH TO MAKE THE HIGHLIGHTSSSSSSSSS
  5. ron's running the 20. he's not allowed to use my boots if he doesnt. and run the fucking sprint(s), unless you're going to beat me. in which case, stay the fuck out, biaaaatch
  6. I read the article... Definitely hypocrisy, and a dab of "don't wanna be called a racist"
  7. Don't mind her, she is too hopped up on the prospect of non-stop mile high lady boy action to read the first 2 words of your op
  8. unless OP knows kevin mo-lester, chris turnone, or terry "shredded race rubbers from street rides" and a few others i can think of, i don't think OP knows who he is bestowing such great honors upon.
  9. it's possible to do a 69 rusty, am i right?
  10. it'll just be a memory we will have to share together.... FOREVER
  11. soooo.... is this rider on this forum?
  12. i still think it's a real shame you guys didn't get to race the multis up and down deals gap. or fight to the death. whichever.
  13. hhhhhheeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... that's a really nice microwave
  14. ronny, just race a sprint and the 20 like everyone else. you know you wanna.
  15. omfg, dont pass me on that fucking sv or i'm going to rage-shit
  16. jbot


    that reminds me of this. it's the only way, syrians.
  17. why would a spent casing be an offense worthy of providing clear evidence or example of... something?
  18. jbot


    you are one classy guy. kill yourself.
  19. when driving in cbus, i just assume all drivers (including bikers) are full retard ALL the time and expect them to stop in front of me at any given time, whether it be at an intersection, highway (just HAVE to make those 3 lane changes to get to the exit at ANY cost, including coming to a complete stop and causing a 4 car pile up between 23 and 315), ignore stop signs, light changes, etc etc etc. cbus should generally be engulfed completely in flames if only for the absolute shit quality of drivers. seriously, i like cbus generally, and enjoyed it when i was living there for 4 years, but people should just walk or take the bus cause they are incapable of driving with any amount of competence.
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