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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Well 71 and windy is a huge improvement... but I was paranoid as hell about my bike in the work parking lot with the CRAZY ASS WIND.
  2. Honestly, at the time...I thought we were gonna get caught for sure. I just have a crappy memory, and had brain dumped that part of the trip. Hope you guys all have a great time. The odds of me getting of work are looking slimmer every day. May is when we usually have some heavy stuff going on. Maybe I can make the fall ride, or some smaller ones throughout the year.
  3. These are both grown men. You don't touch another man's xbox. Got what he deserved! LOL
  4. Looks like a rough crowd. I would love to go this year, but pesky work keeps getting in the way. Have to see when it gets a little closer.
  5. I am glad he is ok. I thought there was something lost in translation.
  6. Sorry about your friend. Was he there as something other than a pilot? I work on the aircraft you describe, and don't think we lost any in Iraq. I am genuinely curious, and not trying to be a dick. I was over there doing things unrelated to my normal job.
  7. Not sure if you saw this... http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/4388210629.html
  8. I believe only 7 brackets are left out of 15 million. LOL
  9. I picked Wichita State to win it all, and then picked places I've lived/ & names I recognized to fill in the rest of the bracket. It's actually a foolproof system. I may as well just start spending my winnings now.
  10. Fair enough. A) Whoever was riding with you could probably be the first/best person to call 911, and at the very least keep the scene safe. i.e. kill the bike, redirect traffic, direct rescuers to your situation. B) Not everyone is clueless when it comes to first aid/CPR/lifesaving techniques.
  11. How will you be helping them on the remote road...if there is nothing you can do(as on the main highway)? I also think relying on others to do the right thing for a fallen rider is a big assumption. What if everyone assumes someone else handled it? Have you ever seen the hidden camera videos of a classroom filling with smoke? No one acts, because they all believe someone else would handle it, if something really was wrong. I admit I am trying to ruffle some feathers with these posts.
  12. So you and your friends are all on the same page then? Or are you just assuming they are as heartless as you?
  13. Everybody, please let me know before any meetup/group ride if you are not the type to stop and help me. Fleeing is definitely a BITCH move!
  14. They are fun bikes to ride. I've traded with a friend, on occasion. I would go for the flat grey scheme though. **Attention magnet..if that's you're thing**
  15. There is also a prize for worst bracket.
  16. Maybe post a better pic showing the stretch
  17. I don't watch basketball at all...but I will give this challenge a try!
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