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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. It's all about a strategic foothold(flight path) near Iran.
  2. 1 bike dropped in our ARC(military) class. She was a very new/low mile rider. The riding portion of the course was WELLLLLLL worth the time/money/effort!
  3. I just completed the Military Sportbike Rider Course aka Advanced Rider Course (ARC). It was a lot of fun. Too much classroom "preaching" for my taste, but the range time was well spent. Similar to other MSF courses, but at higher speeds, lower lean angles, and emphasis on smoothness. I really enjoyed the lean off/tight circles, the decreasing radius drill, and need to practice more on my aggressive swerve. Hit me up if you have any questions. **Doing it the day after the epic ride has me a little sore**
  4. Thanks. Always looking to get better!
  5. Hopefully a black 300 wasn't one of them. I'm always willing to learn more. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you saw room for improvement
  6. Awesome day! Thanks to organizers, leads, sweeps, photographers/videographers, free sammich vendors,shirt sales, dinner organizers, cool bikes and even cooler people.
  7. Awesome day! Thanks to organizers, leads, sweeps, photographers/videographers, free sammich vendors,shirt sales, dinner organizers, cool bikes and even cooler people.
  8. Count me in now! Medium group. I will meet SW folks at Comp Acc at 0715.
  9. I am now in for the full day Sunday the 18th. I will meet folks at Comp Acc and then head to Shell at 0730. Feel free to PM me.
  10. Bullshit. No need to run your plate if not breaking a law. If he can't find true criminals he is wasting taxpayer dollars.
  11. Bwahahaha! You caught us. The military doesn't want you to have small arms
  12. This thread is a win! I just learned two new phrases...
  13. Sales Rep is probably relying exclusively on a computer database.
  14. Leaving the house for work. I was having some fun, really getting on the front brake. I approach a stop sign to turn right. There happened to be a piece of smooth flat plastic on the street. It was the same color as the asphalt, lol. The front washes out from me. I drop the bike in super slow-mo. It was so slow that noone asked if I was ok, or offered help. I turn around to take the bike home, because my turn signal busted. So I get to work on the nicest day of the year. In my car. With no gear. All my friends are asking where the bike is. I told them I fell on a piece of plastic. Something is lost in translation, because they all laugh at the possibility of litter taking me down. I still get shit about it. 3 years later. Bastards. **Bonus** Everybody stalls a vehicle at some point in there life. Unfortunately stalling the bike in front of a cop really had me pretty embarrassed.
  15. TTT GLWS Looks even better in person!
  16. Nice to meet everybody. Thanks Ryan & Tina. Great place you have there.
  17. I'll be there at noon for the meet and greet.
  18. I think that is a good compromise.
  19. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/4408200289.html I would be all over this if I had the cash!
  20. Assuming one is not living in the barracks...why is it ok for me to carry "on my own time/off base" but not "during work/on base"? Am I a different person when I leave that gate?
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