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Posts posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Can you please point out where I ever siad I had an unsecured firearm? I'm sure as my kid ages I'll possibly rethink my thoughts on it but as of right now, trigger lock on shotgun everything else is in a locker. If I don't think she is responsible or mature enough to keep my current set up I'll simply move my locker into the closet in the bedroom and keep everything locked up tight. But as of right now I feel secure with a trigger lock and the safe in the basement.

    My bad.  I made too many assumptions.


    I had two friends that were in an accidental shooting, when we were 10.  Their parents thought the the guns were hidden.  That is one reason I take this personally.


    No so many kids die because of shitty parenting and our fucked up institution of mental health in our country. Do you really fucking think adam Lanza would have been walking around 30 or 40 years ago? No he would have been in the fucking looney bin.



    Your example of your dad's firearm training would make most kids more curious, and still unprepared.  There is no substitute for PROPER training.


    Children are a million times more capable of getting into mischief, than their parents give them credit for.  Even if the child is only an infant, do you never have guests with older children over?


    Mental health issues and shitty parenting are huge issues as well.  


    I just don't want unsecured firearms in a house with kids.

  3. I never understood bedside safes. It only keeps the honest people out and slows you down. If you're worried about your kids playing with it, you have failed to demonstrate what a firearm can do.

    My dad told me that I was never to touch his firearms unless I asked for permission and he handed it to me. He then proceeded to shoot something, I think it was a melon but may have been a dead racoon to show me what happened,with no ear protection do either of us and the noise alone probably kept me from touching them.

    My daughter is to young to understand but everything is out of reach of little hands but as soon as she is old enough, I'll do the same thing my dad did.

    This is exactly why so many kids die.
  4. That exact bus stop was on the news.  Idiots were claiming it wasn't close enough to the actual mall entrance, for those with disabilities.  Now they want someone to pay for the stop to be moved.  


    Since when does the ADA enforce proximity to a particular privately owned business.  There is tons of shopping in that area.  I don't understand how being closer to one business, and not another, is some sort of injustice.

  5. 1)Dayton Mall...didn't a member's wife get robbed there a few years ago?  We rarely went before, now we will never go there again.


    2)This incident...robber was no angel(prior theft & disorderly charges).  Now CCW holder has to deal with the guilt over this.  All over shoes they had the money to buy.


    3)On one hand I will give any material possession in this world over to a robber before shooting.  On the other hand, if you point a gun at me or my family, I will most likely feel life is threatened and do what I need to.  It is a case by case basis.  Never a first resort.  But, there aren't varying degrees between unholstering and shooting.  If you pull it...it is to shoot.


    As far as being mentally prepared...handguns aren't necessarily a part of human nature, but fight or flight is.  


    **My views may not mirror other CCW holders**

  6. I would expect major wear/tear on a vehicle turned in from a lease.


    Bikers like to tinker/customize.


    If they can't afford traditional financing...repo'ing might be common.


    If i was going to lease a bike(not gonna happen), it damn sure wouldn't be used.

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