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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Please...go tell Russia how to manage in the cold...
  2. I would expect major wear/tear on a vehicle turned in from a lease. Bikers like to tinker/customize. If they can't afford traditional financing...repo'ing might be common. If i was going to lease a bike(not gonna happen), it damn sure wouldn't be used.
  3. As far as protests across the country...it depends on who you ask. I believe the protests are directly related to how the Michael Brown shooting is being portrayed. I believe many protesters feel he was a young minority that got shot for that fact alone. Others say it is to protest perceived "widespread police abuse of power". I think these folks are the types to protest anything at anytime, cuz it's something to do. Wilson is in hiding, because there is a lot of hate for him. What about the testimonies that back it up? Are the testimonies unfaltering from a trustworthy source? Eye witness stories are NEVER 100% accurate. Not for a car wreck. Not for a shooting. Physical evidence should corroborate a testimony.
  4. An adult committed a violent robbery, then assaulted a police officer. He did not immediately surrender at the cruiser. FACTS everyone agrees on. What do people think the outcome should have been? There are plenty of hate crimes. There are plenty of cases of police abusing their power. This is neither. Stop perpetuating this media shitstorm.
  5. Crappy situation all around. Food for thought...how young is too young to shoot a suspect in a park?
  6. No interest for most. They need the ultra hype from media
  7. They looked blue. Electrical?
  8. I watched a guy with some 2-liters of Mt. Dew skipping like a schoolgirl....definitely serious political protests! Guess if you yell "hands up, don't shoot" you feel like you can do whatever you want.
  9. Merchants lost goods in both cases. You are so wise...or... The tea was destroyed on sight, to make a political statement. All in one specific incident. Goods are being stolen in Ferguson, for personal gain. Across many different occasions. Is stealing alcohol and beauty products, from your own community, a productive way to express your distrust for an abusive police force?
  10. LOL. What is considered old? 1 generation back?
  11. Are you saying, since the majority of officials don't look like the general population, they don't(can't possibly) represent them? Are you being racist? Hmmm....if there was only a way for like minded individuals to pick someone represent their interests as a collective group.
  12. Tea was destroyed. Tea, for a specific reason. Tea! Not aimless destruction, violence and thievery.
  13. Tell me, other than crying and bitching on the internet, what have you done to help a greater cause?
  14. Instead of being sympathetic, maybe you should be proactive, and help those in need. I wasn't making generalizations about the community. I was calling out the people that act like children.
  15. Looks like you've got a level head on your shoulders. Keep doing the right things, and you'll do alright.
  16. I bet you know exactly what it is like to live in an abusive "police state" with a lopsided justice system.
  17. ^^ Didn't see your last post, lol ^^ Credit cards now Car with 2014 tax return Make payments back to 401k Savings and the 2015 tax return to build garage
  18. Michael Brown was the catalyst for looting, rioting, and half-assed protesting. They want 3 things: free shit, attention, and a magic fix to their perceived injustices. Instead of a "state of emergency" reaction, all the police should take a vacation. We'll see how peaceful everyone gets
  19. If you think these rioters are thinking at a higher level(beyond their small neighborhood), you need to get out more.
  20. People only caring about their own, and no cops sounds like it would work great.
  21. Yes. Would you explain for us slow folks.
  22. Took the Boulevard out in the flurries for 15 minutes and a fuel tank top-off today, in jeans and summer gear.... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I'll remove it's lead acid battery and bring it in the house. Leaving the heated gear and Li-ion battery(it does well in cold) on the 300 for random warm days.
  23. Sweet! Your hard work will pay off. Keep it up.
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