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Everything posted by TopLeft

  1. Selling set of Front (fork lift style with removable handle) and Rear (forward handle, spooled) for $200 OBO.
  2. A rattlesnake bit Chuck Norris. After 6 excruciating hours, the rattlesnake died a painful death.
  3. I'm going to embellish the numbers here, but what we're told is that just over 98% are made at our East Liberty Plant for US and Canada, most the the remainder are imported from Japan. When the company as a whole cannot meet dealer orders, low models can be imported from our HDM (Mexico) plant. You very well may have seen one!
  4. Actually made in East Liberty. Down Route 33 another 5 miles or so...
  5. That would rattle my sphincter...
  6. Should've posted with OP: "Warning: to prevent choking to death, don't view while drinking/eating." Too many funny scenes to select for best!
  7. What else can I do wrong today?! Thanks guys.
  8. I amazed how quickly the water overtakes everthing each time a see a different video. Reminds me how truly powerful mother nature is. Sad event without a doubt, but having said that I can't help but chuckle to the owner racing back to shut the car door...! http://www.flixxy.com/japanese-tsuna...from-a-car.htm </SPAN>
  9. TopLeft

    geek test...

    Nice! Took me quite a few seconds to get it...
  10. That's gonna leave a mark...
  11. WOW, "satin"?! This, most assuredly, will not end well...
  12. I'm going to watch the movie based on comments. Hope it's decent!
  13. ...but I don't think it could navigate the turns on 270, let alone an actual turn at intersection." http://www.wired.com/underwire/2011/05/priest-motorcycles?pid=3699&viewall=true
  14. Dad drives a truck for a living (20+ years). From the beginning he instilled in me the importance of passing trucks in courteous yet quick manner. To this day, I still feel anxious being next to or right behind semis, on 2 or 4 wheels. Sorry to read about the accident, but curious about specifics.
  15. Favorite revolver: Ruger SP101 2" DOA in .357, SS S&W 500 for grins & giggles, too $ & uncomfortable for lots of shooting Favorite semi: Glock (22, 23 and 26) Sig P250 Browning Buckmark .22LR Least favorite revolver: none really Least favorite semi: Walther PPK (PPK/S), I'm sure it was me but I never could get the gun to sit well in my hand HK P7M8
  16. That or, simply use something free and less quick then a bullet. A syringe full of air. Whisper in their ear, that this WILL in deed hurt...
  17. Bring back good 'ol sparky. With a minor change: with a dial. Victims' family members are in charge of it. "...so we are going to lunch for a hour or so Mr. Penis-Wrinkle, so we've decided to lower the shock to a 3. You sit tight and don't die until we come back, hear?!"
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