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Everything posted by TopLeft

  1. Link doesn't work for me. Sorry for the repost. What annoys me the most is the removal of contemporary US President quote.
  2. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/5332.html A New York public school teacher who advised a school Bible Study club has filed a civil rights lawsuit against her school district after she was forced to remove all religious content from her classroom — including a quote from former President Ronald Reagan. Getting out of hand. Quickly.
  3. Your background may prove insightful with this: witnessed the copious use of table salt to help coagulate a nasty cut. Sure it didn't feel good, but damn it worked fast! Then she used duct tape over unused glove (latex?) for pressure.
  4. Dermabond and 1 Epi-pen. These 2 items (3rd being vitamin "I") have been unfortunately the most used in my kits (hiking, scuba, etc). Granted the Epi is more likely in aquatic encounters but invaluable to those in need.
  5. Got it from a guy in dire need of cash! Deal for me. The OD color was bonus to me...
  6. Latest addition. Picked it up last night, NIB.
  7. TopLeft

    G19 OD

    From the album: firearms

  8. TopLeft


    Daily use, I wear my Suunto Core!
  9. They're doing a special for Life Membership. Information was sent out last week. I've been a Life member for almost 19 years. Currently I'm at Endowment status until they process my Patron rating.
  10. Sad to say, but very likely true.
  11. Negative spin: long time friend was terminated for something similar (but not as engaging). To this day he has trouble securing a job as it's well known (media search, Google, etc) his actions. He believes the companies view him as a "dangerous policy breaker" but he can't prove anything. Interviews go well until the background check then all sorts of reasons for not hiring. Having said that, it's a shame AutoZone doesn't recognize this mans moral fiber and courage for another life in jeopardy. I could understand if it was his response for cash or property, but another human being?! Very pathetic on the company's part. I wonder if the company has armed security at corporate headquarters...
  12. Favorite quote: "Whoa. Bloody hell, that was quick!"
  13. TopLeft

    iPhone 5

    Just being the 2nd day of LTE in Columbus, I've noticed a dramatic speed increase with data. Having said that, it also seems my battery drain has stabilized/improved. HOW??? I would think if anything it would have gotten a little worse. Anybody else? LTE coverage greater than 3G? I know when I'm between zones (Edge, 3G, 4G etc) the battery suffers while actively looking. Kind of like leaving wi-fi on.
  14. Was thinking the same thing!
  15. Exactly what I was thinking! But I'd consider it a consumable (more frequent) expense, like each fill of gas!
  16. Not exactly close, but also G & R Tavern for food.
  17. I have 2 that I use to transport to/from ranges for protection.
  18. For those of mine not in a safe: Pelican. Costly, but well worth the protection and the warranty is simple: LIFE
  19. TopLeft


    From the album: etc

  20. I bribe my sisters with lunch money (post-shopping drinking?!) to do some of my buying and still save money with the discounts! I refuse to go anywhere that Friday. Day or two prior I buy a couple books, fill gas in car and grocery shop and make monster list of things to do inside. On the list is occasional calling the siblings to give pep talks!
  21. Forwarded this to the few 16 year olds I know to watch before their first winter.
  22. Found my feet reaching for the brake just watching...
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