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Everything posted by TopLeft

  1. Welcome! PM sent for info about I-75 and 224.
  2. It would be a disco ball at night...
  3. Around Me, crosswords , Sudoku2Pro, apps for common airlines for paperless boarding passes, iConvert...
  4. TopLeft

    This Saturday

    Yea right! I've "followed" you guys couple times. You interrupt the time/space continuum and arrive before we leave...still scratching my head about that one.
  5. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Beat The Devil's Tattoo
  6. Ok, that visual just made my day!!!
  7. Every time I think of that movie, 2 lines come to mind: "I'd buy that for a dollar!" and "Bitches leave."
  8. If he knew he was a suspect, why act in this fashion?!?! http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local-beat/Suspect-Arrested-in-15-M-Bellagio-Casino-Theft-115195924.html
  9. I wonder if the U.S. flag was displayed in front of the school, and was it removed so as to not offend?! I doubt it, and it better not have been removed! Running with the limited info so far, I wonder why the official didn't address the antogonists, instead of Cody???
  10. Sprite out the nose hurts. Thanks...!
  11. Never gave it much thought about the cumulative effects for frequent travelers. That can't be doing the body any favors...
  12. The dates for the 2011 Spring Ride 'N Dive should be set this week. Plan is to load all gear into store's truck or trailer and group ride up/back. Routes to Gilboa to be determined, as 31 and 68 are rather straight.
  13. Getting your pics off the camera now...
  14. I have a couple that you may be interested in. When I get off work (2am), I'll send you some info. I live in the Sawmill - 270 area.
  15. Sounds much better than my other plans...
  16. I'm trading 4 wheels for 2 now. I'll be there.
  17. Cool. Realigning errands now...
  18. I may be able to change plans. 12:30? Indifferent to food, just looking to get out and ride.
  19. Always looking for more riding opportunities! I live in the Sawmill & 270 area.
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