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Everything posted by TopLeft

  1. Another great line was "...pondering the immortal words of Socrates who said...I drank what?!?!?!"
  2. "Real Genius" wasn't it Cheech! Been a long time since I heard that line...
  3. So what you're saying is that you've guaranteed winning numbers?! Sweet! Putting down my deposit on the yacht...
  4. If I can adjust my PT schedule, I'd like to attend. Too late? I won't know until later Wednesday evening. I've heard many great comments about your culinary skill...
  5. I have 2 options if they work for you: an older VX6000 series (not sure which model, very basic) and a RazR v3m (if I can get it back from sister). I think both have a car charger. The VX is free, not sure on the other...but maybe free also.
  6. I'm with the majority as well. Which so far, is quite indecisive!
  7. Visited you area many times at Whitestar park. Welcome!
  8. Just finished reading this in the paper (Columbus "Disgrace" by the way!). Very sad to claim the lives of kids. When we teach Ice Diving in quarries with divers, we always attract the attention of people who ask many questions. A wise ODNR employee got us hooked on the adage "Thick and blue, tried and true; Thin and crispy, way too risky." Though it doesn't provide 100% security, especially with moving water as seen on the banks. I can't imagine the grief that family is experiencing now...
  9. Wicked! No problems comprehending the heat build up, but didn't give much thought before as to how quick they cool off.
  10. Both of my original Qualifiers were replaced (only 5 miles on them to get gas!) with the Q2 as part of the winterizing process, so I can only repeat what what a field rep stated as "they're the next logical series". He couldn't/wouldn't comment when I asked if the Qualifiers were being replaced.
  11. I agree, especially in light of the increase in hand-washing and hand sanitizers! I understand that they're not able to give your entry ticket back to you (as you could pass it to another outside for a reduced price), I don't see the why a stamped ticket with your name written on it couldn't be used. Quick ID check and you're back in, no matter which day or how many times I employ the habit of washing my hands.
  12. JAGR With regards to your Blackhawk, are you using the paddle or belt version? Curious how large and comfortable it seems with the paddle setup.
  13. Got the bike back from service about 10 minutes before the snow started. SLOW ride, new tires, cold roads, diligent scanning for ice...
  14. Welcome! Not sure if it's yours, but I've seen a nice one in the area of 310 & Morse several times.
  15. Comical to watch the scattering of people while coming in low! I wonder how close it got to the ground, as the pilot seemed comfortable with his ability?
  16. Merry Christmas! I like Brian's logic, after Jan 1 it will seem easier to plan ahead...
  17. First 2 places that jump to mind: Benny's Pizza on Columbus Avenue in Marysville and G & R Tavern in Waldo (not exactly close, but stellar made-to-order sandwiches First 2 places that jump to mind: Benny's Pizza on Columbus Avenue in Marysville and G & R Tavern in Waldo (not exactly close, but stellar made-to-order sandwiches 740-726-9685). Milford Center has a couple small wing places that get rave reviews (from hungry Hondroids looking to unwind at 1am nightly...). Also, the Subway just East of 33 is known for some serious stacking of toppings on subs. Be careful with your driving up there! Both Union County Sheriffs Office and State Troopers (post is just down the road from the plant!) aren't shy. And with Honda on holiday shutdown, none of us will be around as decoys. Pickings will be slim for them.
  18. Send a quick message to Lenko. He should be able to able in one fashion or another.
  19. Hoping for the best. My mom had the surgery about 4 years ago, same scenario and soreness as Vulcan900 reported.
  20. Too late to join MJ? I'm trying to speed up physical therapy. Bunch of sadists...
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