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Everything posted by Relboc

  1. Cause I am 5'5. Brought it down just enough.
  2. Ah yes, the 2x4 paddle with a handle carved out, holes drilled for aerodynamics, and a nun behind it. That was motivation. This kid needs to get his. Of course no one is responsible for their actions anymore. Once caught he'll cry, claim it wasn't his fault cause he wasn't hugged enough or was hugged to much. The old passing of the blame buck that they all do now. The hippie comment made me remember a joke: What's red and yellow and looks good on hippies? Fire. [The above joke in no way grants permission to set a hippie on fire. God forbid I get blamed by some jack ass who wasn't at fault when they torched a tie-dye]
  3. 6 months for DUI homicide? Bullshit!
  4. Just whapped about 4 inches off the front fender. Motard style now and the duck bill is gone! Gonna be out tomorrow (Saturday). Anyone available?
  5. Thanks for all the welcomes. Looks like a good group!
  6. They are open. Was there yesterday. Looks like 4/18 is just the celebration. Big parking lot and plenty of room for an Ohio Riders gathering!
  7. 12oclocker - Doubt many will be giving them up any time soon willingly. Great bike. SirPsycho - And I am right next to this new 161. Oh the temptation. Been good though. Look for me. Gonna try to hit Dyno Day on 3/4 and Yamaha Of Columbus grand opening on 3/18.
  8. Relboc

    Found Humor

  9. Relboc

    Spitfire Slider

    From the album: Bike & Mods

  10. Relboc

    Right Rear

    From the album: Bike & Mods

  11. Relboc

    Left Rear

    From the album: Bike & Mods

  12. Relboc

    Yosh Pipe

    From the album: Bike & Mods

  13. Relboc


    From the album: Bike & Mods

  14. Relboc


    From the album: Bike & Mods

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