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Everything posted by Relboc

  1. Thanks. I'll be at dyno day 4/4 and Iron Pony on 4/18.
  2. "not as antisocial as motorcyclists" Since when has my visiting several forums and plans to go to several gatherings been deemed antisocial?
  3. Hey, I have the 2008 250X owner's manual and the shop service manual in PDF form, which you may want if you don't have already. File size restricts me from emailing them, but I can bring you a copy of each to dyno day.
  4. FI is quite responsive. I installed a power commander PCIII when I added the Yosh pipe. It is simple to program. Takes seconds.
  5. The weather gods squashing the joy of a new toy. Just isn't right!
  6. Just fine. In city or on freeway, I have never lacked power or maxed it out.
  7. It is plenty for fun. It will never be a 450, but it doesn't let you down!
  8. I think Nick is stalking me
  9. Glad to see you got it. When does the first mod go on?
  10. Relboc has created a new social group called "Ohio Supermoto Riders", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
  11. "No person who is under the age of 18 years, or who holds a motorcycle operator's endorsement or license bearing a "novice," shall operate a motorcycle on a high-way, or be a passenger on a motorcycle, unless wearing a protective helmet on his or her head, and no other person shall be a passenger on a motorcycle operated by such a person unless similarly wearing a protective helmet." I believe the no passenger rule applies only during the time you have your "temps". After you take/pass the course, or take the test, you are able to have a passenger, but the law states that during the first year (novice notation), both you and your passenger must wear a helmet.
  12. That makes my finger hurt!
  13. Oops - double post. Well welcome again!
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