Nick - I don't usually get into the political or gun discussions because people are very passionate about them. But I would like to respectfully answer your "why carry" question. Having been on the victim side on several occasion, I told myself I would not be in those positions again. When I lived in C-Bus, I was assaulted on campus and went through a home invasion scenario with my family on the north side of town. Now I live in Pataskala, but it doesn't matter where you are anymore. People in the sticks go through home invasions nightly on the 6PM news. Now I would never think of pulling it for a stupid reason and I would never take another's life without cause. But I would also never let my family be in the position we have been in in the past. If my family is in harms way, and it is us or some asshole, I assure you it won't be me. I have a daughter to protect and I would willingly do that with my life. Family comes first. You also hear of carjackings, bike jackings, and I don't mean in the bad areas. People need to realize that it doesn't matter where you are. Criminals realize that you can only rob poor people so much. Then they start going into the burbs and the nicer areas so they get more loot. It is criminal supply and demand. Anyone in business can understand that. Well because of that principal, no one is safe. And with all the budget cuts of damn near every police force in every city, I may not have time to wait 15 minutes for the cops to arrive. My life, my daughters life, my extended what I have to do to protect them. I would do it within the laws, as any responsible gun owner would. It isn't about being Rambo, because I am a level headed guy. It isn't about living in fear, because I truely don't. I avoid the bar scenes where there is likely to be trouble. I stay away from shady areas and situations. But there may be a time that it doesn't stay away from me. If, God forbid that day comes, I will do what I have to do. I carry when I ride, especially when I ride alone, because I am much more vulnerable then compared to the security of my vehicle. If I am out at night, even to go to the store, expect that I have it. How many people get robbed and beaten or worse in parking lots during the holidays? Mall security with a radio and a Segway won't protect me during those 15 seconds. And when I take my daughter to a movie that lets out after dark, better belive its near. A single guy walking with a small child across a dark parking lot. Even I can figure out that spells opportunity for some thug. My goal is for her to grow up healthy. My goal is not to do something that puts me in harms way or gets me locked up, as I want to be there to see her grow along the way. And any gun owner/CHL holder worth a shit knows that it only comes out if there is no other answer, and lives are at risk. Again, I respect your question and hope you respect my answer as being my part of my beliefs, not as a political answer for a pro/con debate. I respect the right to not carry as much as the right to carry. For me, however, I like the option. And it is definately a last resort.