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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Ohio is on the verge of a recovery. We can create jobs again. We can attract new businesses to our communities. We can put the best and brightest teachers in our schools. We can make our state a more affordable place to live and work. Together, we can build a better Ohio, and it starts by returning fairness and flexibility to middle class taxpayers. That's why we've launched a statewide, grassroots campaign in support of the reasonable reforms of Senate Bill 5. Ohio is not alone. All across the nation, a bipartisan effort is underway to rein-in the growing, unsustainable cost of government. The reforms in Senate Bill 5 give our state and local governments the flexibility they need to balance budgets. By doing so, we can SAVE jobs and services and KEEP a maximum number of teachers, fire fighters, police officers and other essential workers on the job. But we need to reform our rigid, costly government union contracts first so that your tax dollars are being used efficiently. Please take a moment to visit our website and learn more about this important campaign. More information will be available soon in the coming weeks, so please check back often. We have a choice: Keep the same failed policies that have taken Ohio in the wrong direction or make the changes necessary to get our state back on a path to prosperity and job creation. Are you with us? - Building a Better Ohio Team Paid for By Building a Better Ohio. J. Matthew Yuskewich, Treasurer. 4679 Winterset Drive, Columbus, OH 43220 Building a Better Ohio may accept corporate (for-profit and non-profit), political action committee, LLC, LPA, labor organization and personal donations in any amount. There are no contributions limits. Contributions to Building a Better Ohio are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes
  2. No hole shots or wheelies for me. Do you have any idea how bad they are for tire mileage? This stupid tire eating bitch doesn't need me doing stupid shit to help it along with its tire eating appetite.
  3. The ride was a bust; I was by myself but turned around in Clark just south of Millersburg. Sunny skies and dry roads all the way to Wooster then it got cloudy. The road started to get wet south of Millersburg so with the cloud cover and impending rain I didn’t think the roads had a chance to dry up for a long while, I called the ride and headed home. By myself I averaged 10MPH slower than I did the last ride with someone. I'm mad for putting the miles on the tires now, what a waste. I put new tires on Thursday and for the first time actually checked my rear mileage on the 1K. It wasn't as bad as I thought compared to the 600. I was getting between 1,800 and 2,100 plus change on the rears running 2CTs and Diablo Corsa IIIs. I got 1,730 on a Diablo Corsa III this time and put on 2CTs now.
  4. Heading out soon, thanks for the heads up about the roads. The storm moving in from southern Indiana looks problematic so I might change the direction of the route and ride the western part first then try to out run the rain across 26. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t even start the ride with this much chance of rain but the next chance for me to ride is July 16 so I’m going for it.
  5. I will be leaving N. Ridgeville from my girlfriend’s house in the morning going to my house in Elyria to get my gear then on to Grafton to get my bike. Riding down 57 to 83 then off to Lodi. This is one of the reasons the start point is in Lodi because I'm starting out five miles south of the normal meeting spot. Doesn't the map or the link to the map work? All of the route and the start point is clearly in there.
  6. Easier for folks to get to from 71 instead of cutting across 82, we end up on 83 just 23 miles of straight road farther south.
  7. WTF, if you show up you will keep up, it then becomes a group ride and so rules apply, I've never left anyone behind. 500 miles for the day, yes!
  8. I'm sure that party is going to be as awesome as a bike night but how will that fix my need to ride?
  9. I can't ride Sunday this weekend nor will I be able to ride the next three weekends so if I don't ride tomorrow I don't ride for a month. 410 miles from Pilot in Lodi back to the same gas station. Guessing about 10 hours of riding. I will be pulling out of the morning spot at 9:00 am heading south on 83. If you want to ride along and are late getting to the meeting spot you can probably catch up on 83 somewhere because if there is a group we will be following group pace between curves at about 70 MPH. If no one shows up you might have a hard time catching me because I won't be following the same rules. I know it's supposed to rain at times during the day and I don't care. If it's not raining when I leave I'm riding. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-83+S%2FAvon+Lake+Rd&daddr=40.23587,-81.87725+to:OH-78+W+to:OH-78+E%2FWoodsfield+Rd+to:39.664833,-81.249582+to:39.56244,-81.2053+to:2nd+St+to:OH-7+N%2F5th+Ave+to:OH-255+W+to:OH-800+N+to:39.550616,-81.2039121+to:Greene+St+to:OH-550+W+to:OH-550+W+to:39.59012,-81.97744+to:OH-555+S+to:Underwood+St+to:40.0442303,-81.9720311+to:OH-208+E%2FDresden+Adamsville+Rd+to:40.372225,-81.9851668+to:OH-39+W+to:OH-83+N%2FAvon+Lake+Rd&hl=en&geocode=FfaYcQId8tUc-w%3BFV7zZQId_qYe-ynfnee8mpg3iDGrKEbfix_8Yw%3BFZRsXQIdMo8h-w%3BFZ66XgIdShwm-w%3BFcE8XQId0joo-ykZfuQ9syA2iDEWqb68jYBHzw%3BFcisWwIdzOco-ynzomLw1N1JiDErlzCVqsKlUw%3BFQwPWwIdeg8r-w%3BFUqYXAIdGGAt-w%3BFWYbXgIdZmUq-w%3BFeRCXgIdHkkq-w%3BFZh-WwIdOO0o-ylnBwlIzN1JiDEykQar-VoSvQ%3BFa5uWQIdekIl-w%3BFaVDWQIdJcwk-w%3BFSB_WQIdsJkf-w%3BFegYXAIdoB8d-ylXLYL9yRtIiDHmwpRSYdIJ7g%3BFUD9YAIdErMc-w%3BFRqOYQIdHcUc-w%3BFcYGYwIdwTQd-ylXUPnnRpM3iDGR30gApir_Dw%3BFdYxZAIdfMsc-w%3BFQEIaAIdcgEd-ykl5mhpOnY3iDHEb5E9wXCR0g%3BFf4lawIdunQc-w%3BFSGZcQId8tUc-w&mra=ls&via=1,4,5,10,14,17,19&sll=40.849138,-81.90033&sspn=1.597643,3.556824&ie=UTF8&ll=40.195659,-81.491089&spn=1.613293,3.556824&z=9
  10. Tod, Many of you have been asking how you can help keep SB 5 law. Here's your opportunity to join us in restoring fairness to Ohio's taxpayers. Please visit BetterOhio.org to learn the facts about our efforts to reform collective bargaining and give local governments the tools they need to get spending under control in these tough times. We are proposing common sense reforms. For example, we are asking that government employees simply contribute at least 15% of their health care costs. Private sector workers currently pay as much as 31% on average toward their own health care. It's hard to argue with that. Please ask your friends and family to visit BetterOhio.org so they can learn the truth about our common sense reforms. Together, we will Build a Better Ohio. Sincerely, John Kasich Governor of Ohio You can also find Building a Better Ohio on Facebook and Twitter below:
  11. Uncle Punk

    TY 3

    Thanks, we had him ranked #3 in the counrty for his breed. He died last year at 14 years old.
  12. I hope all of you white people are embarrassed by the actions of your brothers. Looks like the Canadians need some riot control training from the Ohio National Guard.
  13. Yeah, Zach to the rescue, I get so tired whining but just can't help myself.
  14. Are you allowed to carry that firearm loaded while you're open carrying like the rest of us?
  15. I watched with great amusement as MT made a ridiculous argument stating openly that committing a felony was how to do it. I was also expecting the typical results he received. Take a look at threads where bikes running from the police are involved which is also a felony and see how much controversy those threads cause. MT played a noob to amuse the board and you took the bait, consider it part of an initiation that you wouldn't have to suffer if you had known the board personality better. Nothing personal and I expect you to do the same sometime if you can get past your rough start. I hate cruisers and the people who ride them, especially Harleys.
  16. It is totally retarded that we can't legally split lanes here. That might be the only good thing about California laws.
  17. I've stayed in that cabin before & might be there July 9 & 10. You guys get all the rain out before I get there.
  18. Apparently the writer doesn't like the speed at which the investigation is going but can't deny that a report was filed and is being investigated as quoted above from the article. This story is more about the writer’s opposition to the law the woman was arrested under than about dirty cops. There are dirty cops but this isn't any proof of dirty cops just an allegation that may or may not be true and is still under investigation. Something about guilty until proven innocent...
  19. The woman was arrested for breaking the law. The people who arrested her were doing their job. If you don't believe that is a valid law fight to have it changed. I see no proof of police misconduct here, just an allegation of a law broken and an arrest for a law broken. I find the law she was arrested for to be absolutely ridiculous but find no fault for the police in enforcing it. I find most traffic laws to be ridiculous but don't think the police who enforce them are dirty cops.
  20. That's good to hear. I intended to call him today to see how he was doing but got tied up. His first impression was that it might be totaled, has he changed his mind or has POC told him otherwise?
  21. Fixed the article for you but condensed it to the basic message. I don't know where the author chooses to draw a line but it sounds like the speed limit is where it's at for this guy which probably works for him. If he has a problem with a fast guy he should have a problem with all fast guys because for the most part riding is dangerous for anyone pushing on the street and not being the local fastest guy doesn't make you safer. At what percentage of the speeds involved would the people he described demise not taken place? Would the same outcome taken place if they were all adhering to the posted limits?
  22. P.I.T.A (pain in the ass) Poof (as in poof you're gone)
  23. I can't vote in this because I don't have a bike that can do it, I had to borrow the bike on last one. I would say just like the last time because I don't know any better.
  24. Zach rubbing hard parts, he's ready for the scooter racing circuit big time! Scooters are fun but full throttle everywhere you go isn't much of a challenge. I think I used my brakes four times besides the stops on 60 with the exception of time following a redneck in a pickup that couldn't pick a speed.
  25. I'm still tired from that ride but had an absolute blast. I will let the guys know about this.
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