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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. As you should, your post count shows that you obviously don't have enough life experience to make any informed decisions on your own. Please continue to consult with us until you are worthy to go out and decide what's right for you on your own.
  2. I will update the first page but expect to be at the Millersburg stop at 10:30 and at the New Concord stop at 12:00. These are only guesses because I have never lead a group of scooters so I'm not able to go on experience. Tony, I have one of those scooters at the shop just waiting for some go fast mods.
  3. First time seeing or hearing about anything like that, hey, wait a minute, new truck? Someone is making too much money because I just know you have several new guns as well.
  4. Now this is a proper R&R post except you forgot to ask the mods (Who seem to be ignoring this thread.) to delete your account, like the whiney little bitch you are.
  5. For anyone who joins in this lame ride the cool kids will be at this same gas station at 12:00. When you get bored with this ride and decide that it is a waste of time to just cruise the back roads, hang out at the gas station until we get there, then be prepared to be in awe of the smack down we are going to lay on 555.
  6. Okay' date=' mister bikecurious we have already established that this is not eHarmony[/font']
  7. Are you trying to be hurtful? Don't go getting too big for your britches mister we still have you pegged for a cop magnet ticket jinx who might be excluded in these here reindeer games if we can prove that theory.
  8. I grew up in N.R. and so did my parents, the older cops were cool old drunks and womanizers, the cops I grew up with were pretty cool and understood what was real and what didn't matter. This little crop of jack booted pricks they have now just makes me want to punch them all in the face. I no longer stop for them when on my bike and do nothing in the car to draw their attention. I have came very close several times to letting them hit me on the bike just to prove a point but figured out that not riding in town at all was going to keep me out of trouble much better.
  9. Probably not, this is a very special Ruckus and is too fast to be seen.
  10. Oh sweet memories. All of you exhaust suckers unite and keep getting your inferior ride organized while us cool kids have our shit together.
  11. You looking for someone to tickle your balls?
  12. WTF!!! I lost 94 experience points by posting in this thread only to be ignored! This place is maddening!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. All of you guys compensating for something with the big bikes say 555 sucks because you are afraid that if you get caught out on it when the scooter gang rolls through and they pass you all your excuses will be lame. Whole pack of sissies’ will be avoiding their demise by running away.
  14. We shun your attempt at adult supervision.
  15. When you put it like that it makes you sound "OLD"
  16. I just remembered that I got a stupid ticket in North Ridgeville on the motorcycle in 2005 that ended up being a broken tail light after I spoke to the prosecutor. It did cost me $165 for that by the time I paid court costs. I no longer get stopped by North Ridgeville since then and won't be; they really like to hassle sport bikes.
  17. Wasn't it a Democrat president who signed into law the same type of legislation for federal union workers? If the folks in charge are trying to balance a budget and not commit to paying more than they are taking in for the future I don't care what party they are from they have my support as long as they don't do it by taking more money from me to pay for past transgressions.
  18. Not quite that simple, politicians don't understand how much a job costs and give away what they don't earn or need to worry about by balancing a budget. If they had any business sense or had any fiscal responsibility to work within their means we wouldn't be in this mess to need fixing. We both blame the politicians but I blame them for being complicit with the unions to steal from the rest of us.
  19. Wait until southern Ohio gets a load of the scooter gang about to invade their area, they may even bring out the helicopters from so many complaints of all the awesome riding we are going to be doing. I wouldn't be surprised if we run into some inbred in a red pickup wielding a tire iron.
  20. I think they do have a hitching post.
  21. Green arrow is the Speedway gas stop, guess where Wal-Mart is? Edit: I can't get the green arrow to show. Speedway is between McDonalds and Pizza Hut.
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