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Everything posted by sporty93

  1. no. as a matter of fact i haven't rode in over 2 weeks

  2. sporty93

    Bike nights

    Does anyone know of any bike nights on the weekends? With the shift some of the people I work with and myself work, we can't make any of the ones during the week. If not, I would like to get one started.
  3. I have 3. The father, mother and this one. We kept him out of the litter because he is one of the best looking rotts we have ever seen. They really are an awesome breed. Sorry for your loss.
  4. Man what a horrible story. I know in the last 2 weeks alone I have had at least a half dozen deer run out in front of me. Fortunately for me they were at a distance enough I had time to brake. All of which were just south of canton between fohl rd and the boliver dam. RIP Brian
  5. Sorry I missed out. Have been pretty busy lately and I actually haven't ridden in almost 3 weeks. Hopin to change that. Get back at me if there are other rides coming up.

  6. Had I woke up sooner I would have went. This 7 to 7 shift is killin me. I did notice a packed lot.
  7. Welcome. I live in North Canton also.
  8. Let me know when you go out. Sounds like you live pretty close to me. I am always up for a ride, mainly later in the week because of my work schedule. I live by the corner of Portage and Frank.

  9. First bike night here is on the 29th. Anyone planning on attending weather permitting?
  10. Looking to get a ride in Saturday early afternoonish if your interested. Me and a couple of guys from work are planning on a ride possibly down the atwood way.

  11. Cool deal man. Hopefully this weather improves soon so we can get out. I would like to try to plan a ride soon down around atwood. Have you heard at all when QSL bike nights start here in Canton?

  12. Welcome. I am sure there will be plenty of chances to ride with others. Keep checking in for updates.
  13. sporty93

    Hey all

    Hello and welcome
  14. Just curious if anyone on here was one of the traffic highlights this evening? Saw a green sport bike down on the interstate on the news before I came to work. Hope this person is ok. I never saw the rider but someone came and picked up the bike and drove off with it laying down in the back of a pick-up.
  15. Maybe just a couple hours.....not sure. I am still trying to get ahold of a couple others.
  16. Go to the dealership and listen to some of ther different set ups they have on some of their bikes and see which one sounds best to you. Performance wise ask one of the techs.
  17. Anyone interested, there will be a small group of us riding today around 1pm starting at the Speedway in North Canton on the corner of Portage and Frank.
  18. sporty93


  19. sporty93

    before pic1

    From the album: My ride

  20. sporty93

    before pic2

    From the album: My ride

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