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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. From what I have read and heard most are from straw sales or private sales to know felons. I.E. ghetto rat goes to his buddy, buddy buys gun sells to felon for a mark up. The other I have heard is about the same, a guy buys a gun legally then sells it later to a felon wether he knows it or not. Then there is the whole gun show loophole. I for one would not object to a free background check at gun shows to make sure dirt bags are not buying my gun. I due my check I.D. ask for a CHL and ask if they are a felon, but how do you really know?
  2. I received a smoker from my father in law but have yet to use it as I just use propane like hank hill
  3. I found some local at Fin Feather Fur, I also found some local at my army navy store. I am about to order some from this place also to try them out they say they are the best price per calorie on the market I have not done enough research to check this out. http://www.preparewise.com/#back
  4. Just got my three knives in yesterday, pretty nice knife for the money good sized for edc and pretty sharp out of the box. Good buy for the money.
  5. From what that said she was in office of some form in 1984? "Feinstein’s first major attempt at gun control occurred when she ordained a citywide handgun ban as mayor of San Diego, Calif., in 1984, where an attempt at recall failed."
  6. Waiting for the xds in 9mm to replace the lc9. Been waiting for a long time.
  7. If you like that style go with the blackhawk. It at least has the trigger lock.
  8. Thanks it's coming along nicely. Later I plan to upgrade the trigger, and replace the red dot with a scope of some kind.
  9. Just need to order one of these https://www.primaryarms.com/Midwest_Industries_QD_Heavy_Duty_Front_Sling_p/mctar-08hd.htm And one of these to be done.(for now) https://www.primaryarms.com/Midwest_Industries_Front_FlipUp_Sight_Gas_Bl_p/mctar-ffgfde.htm
  10. ^^ This, can still get a bolt gun at regular prices. And .308 is not to hard to find, 7.62x51 is plentiful at fin still.
  11. Kawikid want to put up his truck?
  12. Do a bolt gun now then do a AR if you can later. I will help as much as I can we can hit up the pro's if we need more info.LOL! I got lots of help from some board members when I was first looking.
  13. At least my scoobie is gonna be easy to find with all the magpul stickers on it now LOL!
  14. You can buy it for $2500 after I track down where it is? LOL Thanks Pokey whoever has it needs to put a front sight on it so it can be finished.
  15. No I put it in coffee cans in hidden random locals LOL!
  16. No I don't own any guns all mine were sold in the panic buying I am now a millionaire!!
  17. Still trying to get use to the huge mag well. Anyone have any 20 round pmag .308 mags they will let go?
  18. I was off all this week also I should have just came down one day. To busy trying to finish my dpms oracle.
  19. Yes the one in middleburg hts. They had a norinco(sp) ak47 for $899 and some kind of all plastic AR-15 for like $700+ They still had lots of magpul guards and mvg's in fde that's why I went up there to finish off my moe dpms.
  20. I just went up to one of the lgs today to get some more stuff for my oracle, They had a all polymer ar for $750!! and a chinese made ak47 for $899!! Thank god they are not raising prices on ammo or parts.
  21. So I am about finished(for now) with my new dpms oracle .308 rifle. I bought it since I could not find any 5.56 rifles in my price range. I like it so far I have only shot it once so far but it's a nice rifle for the price. I added the whole magpul line up LOL! It's cheap and I like the way it looks/feels. So All I need now is the MI front gas block iron sight, and a mount for my sling up front. pics of the finished product so far. Much better then when it came home with me.
  22. So which would you use its only gonna be 100-200 yards The 5.56 is wearing irons right now the .308 has a red dot with a 2x magnifier. I also have a .17 hmr with 20 grn tnt rounds that has a bi-pod and wears a 4x12 scope?
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