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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. i know of a way for you for free, but I hate fucking people that do it.
  2. to much risk involved. if you need to "test drive one" for a couple hours i could help you.
  3. Carwhore

    My wife :(

    bang! on her face! lol.
  4. Carwhore

    My wife :(

    I request the week of july 3-10. thanks
  5. badass man. Those 5.4L's are a helluva good motor.
  6. Carwhore

    My wife :(

    i'd take her off your hands, but defintly not paying!
  7. if you genuinly are going to keep the dog and train it good for you. Don't keep it because people are giving you a hard time (which we all have every right too). If you aren't going to be able to care for the dog then do something about it. Side bet: I bet he just tells everyone here he's going to keep her, then gets rid of her later.
  8. You're worried about pissing away 1000? If you own your own home and business this shouldn't be anything! Fuck i've lost 100k because I wanted to call myself a home owner (50k in intrest, 12k in taxes, and the rest in maint/utilities). this.
  9. I actually have a cage already from my dads dog. She's getting put down next week .
  10. ill take the dog only. Keep the cage.
  11. I have a son, and work 45hrs a week. I have a fenced in back year on 1/3 acre. I will take the dog if you can't find anyone, but I'm defintly not paying you.
  12. ive rode a lot of harley's with that height bars and they are very very comfortable. They look good. At least you keep it simple and didn't put some stupid ass ones on it.
  13. how late do you guys expect this to be? I need to be some where at 2. I may just call off work to get some riding in, i need it! lol
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