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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. What ever happened to this? Did you miss us to much?
  2. fail! Ur vote doesn't count.. U don't even like bikes anymore!
  3. Yes! It might be 2x more, but its not like its thousands of dollars.. Its another $50 -$75.. I'm sure your wallet isn't that low. Also, its your bike.. Hold it up with what is strong and secure!
  4. Don't go cheap... Go pitbull.. they support the industry, made in America, and last forever.. Its the last stand you will buy!
  5. Dubguy85

    My wife :(

    "Im gonna keep the wife. Due to you guys making me feel like a complete asshole."
  6. Ridersdiscount... Call and ask for TJ.. U won't find less anywhere!
  7. I just bought it actually.. Its not for sale, but I bought it for 4k like 3 weeks ago.. 2003 600rr. Its mint I just would love an 08 750 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75604
  8. Dubguy85

    My wife :(

    I showed her... She wasn't as impressed as most of the ORDN folks ... Very much worth it though
  9. 10K always hurts, but will pay big time in the end
  10. Dubguy85

    My wife :(

    No lockin this one.. Its cruisin!
  11. Buy my cbr for 4 and I'll buy this!!!
  12. + mileage and gas.. that would end up being a TON
  13. Dubguy85

    My wife :(

    AHH U guys are JERKS!
  14. Dubguy85

    My wife :(

    Danget! Tried to rep but got denied! Will rep later!
  15. Dubguy85

    My wife :(

    not high maintenence at all.. she knows where to pee and poop and I can leave her at home all day and come back to no accidents!
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