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Everything posted by steppenwolf
Red you are right,the thread title is miss leading,this thing has just kinda went to post a bike picture theme.Bikers are not know to be conformists,we all kinda follow our own road type people and that is why we ride and don't drive a soccer mom's mini van. A bike is a bike..Wing,Harley,sport bike,scooter,three wheeler etc.It doesn't matter,you are a rider and THAT is what it is all about,we are a club of like minded individuals. Lets ride and I shall see you somewhere down the road.
Maybe I was too Star struck and couldn't get it together.I had to sit inside for awhile.
Sorry about the head Bubba:-)I might have one of ya,I took 40 but it was a little hard because I would drop my left crutch when I looked thru the view finder at times and really tried to make sure I didn't get near a bike and hit it. Muscle bike..it was just a term I was familiar with,being 60 it is hard some times to keep up with all the new terms. I use sport riders in stead of crotch rockets out of respect,I have been told that is the prefered term..so it is partially an age thing and just a matter of what you call things,like three on the tree,a Goat,four on the floor:-) The XS is good in a straight line but I have never thought much of the brakes,I upgraded the suspension but still not the best,having a drive shaft which I will never go back to a chain,it really didn't do much jack shafting like the early shaft drives but still not as smooth. Have 85 on my 11 now,would of had more but had a Wing and KZ 1300 to ride but ended up keeping the 11.It just suits me for my over all style of riding. Pure muscle bike power......
Bubba,seems like I did see you and your bike but didn't know what you looked like.I was there on crutches.I am kinda rough looking now but starting to get around a little:-) I was there with a fellow UJM XS11 rider with his family,they had to carry my coffee for me.I hope to be able to ride there next year as that is my favorite meet and greet. Do you ever get to the Comet on tuesday nights? As one rider commented we have strayed from the muscle bike theme,maybe we should change the thread title so as not to miss lead any one.I started this and it is for fun Right?
Original intent was to talk about the UJM'S but has kinda moved around a little.If you would like I can ask the moderator to delete the whole thread,makes no difference to me.
Okie dokie..a few more pics.
Hello all... Have taken a few pictures since I was here last,been busy.Kept my foot,they didn't realize how pizzed off I was,still in a cast,will be be till next year.Operation was in august to reattach foot and fix the breaks..the wonders of medicine.
Tom took that unflattering pic of me...I just kinda walk around by myself at meet and greet type deals...take my pictures and ride my bike. I used to do the AFR runs years ago in the 80's but it became soo big.The parties at Edgewater with Willie G there the one year....he was a complete ass I thought..Yuppers we have met somewhere down the road I am sure if not in person in spirit. Think I remember the picture I was taking at the time Tom caught me..will pm it:-)
Hey Bubba...terrible pic of me but hell I don't care..I have the camera
Mmmmmm A foamer?
You don't wanna get me started on trains.....
Lambs ferry..we would park our cars just to the left of the crossing and hike down about a mile and camp out a night or two with the gun club across the way shooting half the night. And the dogs from the farm on the south east side act like they wanna bite ya...great place to camp tho,we kinda trespassed,well hiking the tracks is something we have done for many a year.Got some pictures somewhere in a box..we would hike down to Versalia or something like that,and a short jaunt down to the Licking river.
Well Bubba we have probably seen each other somewhere.I don't really do organized things here of late but the Eastern avenue Coffee I try to make.Retired and Riding on tuesdays in Miamitown.Here's a couple of places you know.. A couple from the WEST side
Well yeah I do like trains and it ranks right up there with bikes.. Got a couple of bike pics for latter..gotta act like I am working..where did I put that clip board?
Thanks guys..you lifted my spirits some You younger guys may not relate but I do to this song........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFYIz0qlb9o
You bet I plan on the 100000 mark it's just gonna take me awhile longer than what I thought it would.
Thanks Max,I try to post only my own pictures.Well I wore out my right knee,then I got the shots etc in it but then my left foot decided to get Charot,http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00655 Soo I had surgery lined up early in the year but then I had low sodium and almost died,hospital time,got better from that,tests and more tests,pin cushion time,a whole slue of tests and a few other things...well had surgery lined up again,failed blood tests,testing again,set a date and then I passed out at Thanksgiving table,911 etc. I was the talk that night. Low oxygen in my blood.So that was the short version,feb 3rd I get a new knee,then after that and I can walk on it I get my left foot amputated so riding will take some practice but I plan on being back in the saddle again. But I sti ll like eye candy... I do have a blind date on saturday,crutches and a foot boot makes them feel sorry for ya.
There are plenty of cruisers here, just no one posting in the social forums anymore. I check it periodically, but the only one posting in (or checking in on it) was Steppenwolf and I dont think he gets on here anymore. Just checked in today @Muscle bike....
I haven't ridden since april 7th Been a bad year and not much better year coming up but I hope to ride again may be by summer for a bit. Got a new cat Train Wreck Did get out a little. And so it goes..............
http://www.ridingacrossusa.com/xs1100/forum/index.php?topic=116.0 Still here now and again
I was riding till april 7th this year Have a few health issues pop up so it will be next year before I ride again. I am stll arm chair riding my XS11 Here is one reason I am not riding.... October is just about here and riding along the Ohio River in the fall....Priceless.