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Everything posted by Reimbrandt

  1. yeah... twitchn sucks........ sneezn is worse. LOL you know if you take and just do a broken stripe between you blue/silver it wouldn't look as bad as you think it does. Maybe a bright green or something..........
  2. Not bad..... try and go a little softer with the lights n darks. The other thing you can do it after you do the rivot take and place a small round peice over it. Then do a soft white on the bottom and a soft shadow on top. This will give the illusion that the metal has been slightly endented by the rivot. Not a bad start.... hey, trust me. the first one I did looks like s**t compared to what I do today so don't sweat it.
  3. Hell.. for that kinda green I'll buy a viper and put the other 40k in my pocket. thats the most retarted lookn thing I have seen in a long while............. even over a smart car. do these idiots wanna die. Heck, ya get hit by a honda in one of those they'll have to bury ya in it
  4. Oh holy crap this is a riot.............. I think its he might be tryn to tell em something alright. quit fkn extorting money from a bunch of gullable twits so you can live in a mansion and do something as stupid as build a huge jesus in front of your church. the main reason I dont attend church is cause of all the hypocritical BS........ They stated it will be rebuilt and (god forbid) will go bigger this time. what a joke
  5. nice work...love the layout. this is from a custom painter.......... ya did good
  6. S'up.... the pearl paint job you asked about would run $650 if parts are primed and ready to go. $850 and up if I prep n prime them..... that can vary from the amount of work needed. thanks

  7. check on my bike update thread.... I posted a pic of the frame cleared. I just finished all the other parts this evening. Will take it back to be reassembled now and hope it dont take to long.lol

  8. The body work is done on the frame and its cleared. Gotta do the little parts........ forward controls, linkage, ect. then take it back to get reassembled. taken forever to get this far but its gonna be worth it...... a real custom one off. Cant wait to show it off and take it to some shows.
  9. damn... can tell I havent done much on here lately. You got a bike finally............. sweet. hope to have mine fully complete in june........sometime

  10. glad your ok radio....... noticed the helmet never got mentioned. LOL I can see it..... sliding along goin "dont hit the helmet... dont hit the helmet."
  11. thats goverment run health care at its finest................ sorry, just sayn
  12. Damn... missed that one. that just sucks......... little dude with one serious fkn voice. RIP holy diver......................
  13. last week Obama proved what a idiot he really is............ made the comment that arizonas law it passed would cause "racial profiling". NO SHIT. Your not going to go and pull over every car............. your gonna pull over ones that LOOK hispanic. DUH..... The law that arizona passed is nothing more than the federal law that is already in place. fkn moron
  14. thats supposed to be in the works, I think. You did notice of captain America sheild part way into the movie.......... right. he used it to level that pipe whatever thingy.
  15. I liked rourke in this movie... and yeah, he does look rough. kinda a toss up on which suit I like better too. Iron man is sweet, but the back up that hammer upgraded was hard core. The iron man smack down at the mansion was cool as hell too...............
  16. sheet head.... shit head............. same difference. lol
  17. Sounds fishy to me............ one hit at that range is a possiblity, but two. Then to supposedly taken out the weapon also. Brits are such asshats.............. The canadian that holds the record took 3 or 4 shots to finally hit his target. luckily the towel heads were to damn stupid to take cover after a couple near misses.
  18. Im all for land mines............. the borders need shut down for gods sake. and dont go back to the indians and all that crap that happened well before any of us. thats like the african americans bitchn cause of slavery and being brought over on a ship n the idoit was born in chicago or something. are we all missing the boat that this invasion is collapsing some state economies. we are gaining a massive welfare base... they all dont put in 12 hour days. let alone the need to protect against others that would really enjoy bringing a nuclear device into this country. SHIP EM THE FUCK HOME
  19. No problem Wrillo..... its a little over 3k for this work. (his bike didnt have any of the factory vynil on it so that saved some money). Thanks for all the cudo's guys............ the customer gave me the privilege of taking it out for a spin today since he isn't picking it up till Saturday. Was a blast and fun watching all the looky-loos. lol It also made me glad I went to a cruiser from a sport bike. fun as hell but not the most comfy.
  20. glad things worked out.... just a side note. My father drove a milk truck delivering door to door for years. The larger trucks a major thing to keep an eye on.... seen it happen many times, look both ways and then theres a bike. If the driver looks at just the right time a cycle is easliy hidden my the large mirrors. Not an excuse for the driver, but a real reason for a rider to be extra aware.
  21. what ever ya got Im sure I can handle...... zip me a note and a pic of what you are wanting. we can work out the best layout and cost.............thanks
  22. I dont but the owner must have........... lol. just a customers ride. The only thing that kinda bugs me is the stickers he has left on the swing arm and when I did the work across the frame I wasn't allowed to remove the vin tag. If it was mine they all would be history. just looks.........crappy.
  23. Not totally sure.... the worst was the prep work. covering up and wrapping the bike in plastic and paper to I can do the frame and tail peice (in place). Once I got that headache all done I had to black the two side cover, upper front and tail peice. The art work was the easy part............ started that at about 10 in the morning and had it done at around 7 or so that night, then clear it all. took me a about 6 hours to sand/buff it today.
  24. got it..... forgot to attach the damn thing. Friggn paint fumes.............
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