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Everything posted by V4junkie

  1. Right at the end of last riding season an F250 decided that my 65 in a 55 was too slow and proceeded to pass me IN MY OWN LANE! I hate that. I was right by an exit so I called in his plates.
  2. I do like colored wheels but I don't want to just go all black, it would look like I wish I had an 05 raven. I agree the sun on the tank is too obvious and everything on the top and left of it is too busy. Maybe if the circle was dropped about 1/3 into the area between the tank and the fairing that would help.
  3. Cool pics! (Yeah even the zooks)
  4. Forgot I wanted to respond to this. I rocked that gear with a green bike for about a year. Doesn't bother me one way or the other.
  5. Alright I'm not ready to give up on the idea yet. Here's another attempt in paint to give an idea: Whaddya think Twizted? Better or worse?
  6. V4junkie

    Star Trek

    Good movie. Series restarts scare me, but this is how it should be done! Props to the guy that casted this thing, everyone was pitch-perfect.
  7. It's all starting to come together. The avatar women, the overly testastarone-laden responses, and someone is a little too insecure to be seen in pink? It's ok bro, some dudes are just born smaller than others. We're here for you.
  8. Quiet you, you lover of oem paint. I agree my attempt looks pretty poor. Mostly because I can't decide what to do around the lights and because I only used primary colors in MS Paint. I'm going to try and think of some other ideas, this rising sun thing is looking difficult.
  9. Yeah, but that's what it takes to get into our kewl helmet club.
  11. Word. Bright colors cut down on the chance someone will be telling the officer "He came out of nowhere!"
  12. Cool bike from a technical standpoint, I can't call it pretty. Nowhere else to put the intercooler?
  13. The way I see it the safe designs are skulls, scantily clad women, barbwire, tribal designs, and sometimes all of the above. It's played out, I wanted an explosion of color.
  14. I like standing out a bit. That and I don't take myself seriously (ok I admit it, I also like cartoons lol). So instead of throwing down $$$ for a custom helmet I bought the most insane one I could find, ie the seond to last.
  15. To be perfectly honest I have no idea what I'm looking at. I'm off to google...
  16. These are free bumps and we're doing it to make the 919 look good lol
  17. Imagine how fast he'd be on a real bike! Rotax Buell > Buell > turds
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