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Everything posted by jessecwalters

  1. but i agree, probably not the best thing to do.
  2. ^^ clearly wasnt smart enough to have him wearing a seatbelt (or in a car seat), what makes you think he was smart enough to think of that?
  3. if my xterra had a hitch, i would buy this. I need to buy a hitch first tho
  4. surprise buttsecks for the armadillo in front. nice.
  5. repost of a repost. =p still funny though
  6. search button ftw. This thread answered my questions, for once
  7. i want those "ladies" responses. cuz those were fucking awesome.
  8. I woulda passed. Slowed down to a "respectable" speed and passed like you did.
  9. i like it. id ride it. I really like the look of the exhaust
  10. i havent seen it, so =p anywho, what a dumbass.
  11. My wifes car never had front plates until recently. She had been pulled over with it off and the cops never said anything about it. Park on a meter tho, those fucking meter maids will write you a ticket for that shit every time. She got 2 tickets from meter maids and put it back on.
  12. thats no surprise. I think i heard on the news that some ridiculous percent of people on the roads today, couldnt pass the written part if tested.
  13. i liked the 2nd two. the funny part about the first one was the ad for special Olympics that popped up with it
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