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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Thanks man. I appreciate it. I'll be back out sooner or later. It was nothing bad...so i'm not mentally scarred or anything...like some riders get.

  2. Thanks man. I appreciate it.

  3. Thanks. I definitely will.

  4. That cobra does look great. Hey, at least you got it narrowed down to what you want. I flip flop everyday. Alot of nice cars/bikes out there. You turn 21 yet, think you can make it out to the halloween party this year?

  5. That sucks. Are they making any progress on it?

  6. That was beautiful man. lol, i think ear rings, and necklaces are cheaper....and offer the same results.:D

  7. That word always seems to catch up to me. It's never worked out. I can only imagine. Now you gotta put some actual miles on that thing.

  8. That's a nice Victory man. If you get a chance post up, introduce yourself. ~NR

  9. That's not too bad. Sounds like it could be a real nice bike when it's finished. What color is it now?

  10. There are certain set up's on 6's that sound pretty descent. I would have never imagined, but 3.8mustang.com gave me some hope. They had some good exhaust clips on there. Yeah, gears will definitely give the truck a change, and be the cheapest mod you listed. lol, Nos should be fun. Have you ever had a chance to use some?

  11. This could get interesting. Yeah if you do trade, it's good to have an idea of where you want to go with it. I take it's not a sport-bike then?

  12. This is my 2nd one of the year. lol. Next month? Sounds good man. You got any current pics of the bike?

  13. Those are both sound ideas. I can imagine. 250's do a few things well, but not 2 up. Ahh, i see. I was wondering why she was only making $4/hr. And...no it's not lol. It's awesome, that she wants to ride. Most girls don't. Keep looking around, i'm sure you'll find something. Have you ever been out riding in hocking hills?

  14. Tourer huh? If so, what did you have in mind? I would have to go track bike, and street bike...but that's me. You can always buy a ds later. The r6's are nice. Wish i had the bank to buy one. I'll put the word out, that your looking to sell yours. 4k, right?

  15. Tyler. Been meaning to tell you for a while. Do you remember those saddle bags you gave me a while back? I never sold them, or did anything to make profit off them. I ended up with the YZF so i gave them to my brother for his Boulevard. I have his old ones, if you ever need a pair down the road. And...can snap a pic of the bike if need be. Just felt compelled to tell you. lol.


  16. Uhhh...how would i know? lol.

  17. Was good meeting you on the ride man. Sorry it went so badly. At least you got to see me in pain. :p

  18. Was good meeting you on the ride Saturday.

  19. Welcome to the site. Have your husband make up an account on here too.

  20. What a weirdo! lol :p When i picked that name, i didn't think i would be on this site much.

  21. What's the 6 sound like with the flowmasters? I've had a couple of stangs, and was almost tempted to put some flows on on the 3.8 i had. I figured it would sound too ricy though. Love the sound on the gt's. With a supercharger, cam, and rear end change..that truck should give most 8's a run for their money. Nice plan!

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