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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Hey...don't worry, you look great. I mean even if you don't think so....there are leg humper's for everyone. I mean look at V4junkie. He somehow fought the urge not to be with an 11 year old, but it looks like it's working out! Dude v help me...i can't stop! Sorry.
  2. Uhhhhhck. I was referring to the niece comment lol. Hey! I'm making out wif my baby sister! It's her birfday! No...you do. The yahoo answer's aren't descriptive enough. That's good. Do you get pedobear looks when you guys are out?
  3. You do like kinda familiar. Hollie Marie Combs...maybe?
  4. Damn. Nice comeback. Possibly the longest thread you've had here lol. I'm the same...except for the Browns.
  5. Greaaaaaaaat. What happens when you tongue kiss said niece!? At least you might get a discount at chucky cheese. I mean no disrespect...but this is too funny.
  6. Didn't say 12 years old didn't look hot! Jc...WTF? Yeah, you might be lucky then. But how do you handle when a waiter asks what she's having off the kids menu? jk man.
  7. There is no way...maybe 17. If your lucky. Does she still sleep with a teddy bear?
  8. Damn straight. Glad to hear your ok Sara. I'm a pervert...but if i was Zero...i wouldn't have any problem helping you ice things.
  9. NightRider


    lol. At least you said it. Your not used to riding question's yet? Yeah....that sounds like a winning plan. I unfortunately laugh at all pain, i don't discriminate. Someone getting hit with a bat, ball, wrecking a bicycle, tripping, running into something, there's alot more....but ill save it. I think i'm with IP, i would likely laugh at the guy getting electrocuted....at least at 1st. Then feel bad about it.
  10. Congrats, your gf looks like she's 12. I'm calling children services! That Christmas pic looks a little awkward.
  11. Haha. That's great. Commercial's aren't cheap, look's like he's doing ok?
  12. NightRider


    I didn't know if you were just letting on her on it, and giving her a goodbye hug. Sounds like fun. Is it wrong to initially laugh....at other's pain? I always find a way to get yelled at, or get looks my way....when someone gets hurt. Because i'm to busy having an aneurysm.
  13. When does a cop arrest you for wreckless op? Maybe when you crash into something, or...maybe kill someone? I got a fucking wreckless op for doing donuts in a parking lot and running a red light, about 3 am in the morning. Yeah....wreckless op. Definitely not smart, but Wtf hasn't done donuts at on time or another? I understand the red light thing, but wreckless op? Come on. The cop was a dick from begining to end, even though i was polite from begining to end. This dick had the audacity to ask if my car...was paid for by my dad! I also got arrested for drinking one beer. I was drunk by association. However, i did have a cop let me go scott free with these issues. No title, or regristration, wrong plates (to a 92 camaro) speeding ( 85 in a 35-55, just depends on where he saw) No seat belt (legal, was a 63) and straight pipes. It was about to be my car, but dear old brother forgot to mention the plates and regristration bs. Good times!
  14. NightRider


    Btw, love the sig man.
  15. NightRider


    Wow. That's priceless. Are you showing her how to ride it? Err...that sounded kinda dirty. Take some pics of you both on it. That might satisfy us leg humpers....maybe. WTF did you find that of me!? At least he's having fun.
  16. Sounds good. You don't think the red light will wake her do you? You need to enter Sara into babe of the month, for one of the bike magazines. Then you can be like Hoblick.
  17. NightRider


    Awwww. She's a big girl now. I'm sure you were laughing your ass off huh?
  18. NightRider


    Not a problem. Glad i could help.
  19. NightRider


    No...he does not. I can ride it around for you, as long as you want....while you watch. Who wants to ride around in the rain anyway? Your shirt might get all wet or something. Take your naughty filth to pm!
  20. Ahhh man, you got to see it? Jess...i agree with Wheezle....you gotta take one for the team. The noobs haven't got to see it yet. How is that fair?
  21. We're not going to forget soon....but...give us something that we'll remember forever!
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