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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Not a bad idea. I would definitely prefer not to have to look at the untimely news, unless i wanted too.
  2. I could kick your ass. Justin Moore.
  3. Haha. Great. Congrats to her for passing. And with such little experience. Eventually, your gonna have to beat her off with a stick to keep her off your bike. Good luck, and hide your keys.
  4. I got to see it this Friday. One of the funniest movie's i've ever seen. And yes...it is.
  5. NightRider


    How the hell did you score a vette like that!?
  6. Ohhhhhhhhhh shit that's today!? Happy father's day!
  7. Wtf...is up with your avatar? I think that might be worse than all the fat chicks.
  8. Haha. I meant mid July. Soon though. Hopefully.

  9. Thought this was interesting. Pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YngyMco72QA
  10. NightRider


    ok...you know this doesn't count towards your post count right?
  11. Dear god of fucking mercy. Wtf is that tab doing on your computer? Youtube: How to talk to women? Seriously man. Little sad brother. Also even more said no one caught this but me. :nono:
  12. I'd rather not taste, or be in any woman that works at a strip club.
  13. Maybe it's just the thought of seeing someone you see or know's junk. I get your point though. Still...would rather see someone's junk that i can/could actually see/touch...then random pics on the internet.
  14. Sara is some girl who you will eventually see in person. Are you gonna see some random chick off the internet in person? Maybe in your dreams lol.
  15. **busy as hell...... I gotta a bad bug last week, though, and was down for a little over a week. suckd..... the really cool part is you just cant go get one of these off the show room floor. it will be pretty unique...... hows things over your way?**

    You gotta hit view convo, and then post for this to make it to MY page lol. I do it all the time too.

    Good to hear your busy, but not so much on being sick. Definitely sucks haha. Yep, that's the best part. Not having something like everyone else. Good. Still working on getting a bike. I think im finally gonna finance one. Still working out some hangups. Hopefully by mid of june...i'll have one.

  16. Yes...but why would i want to see some random girl's whoha when i can see Sara's?
  17. Haha. Not really. I grew up hearing it. It was bad then and even more so now. I just appreciate a woman's beautiful ass.
  18. Nope, of course not lol. My luck. Working on getting my dad's shit together so he can co-sign with me. I'm shooting for mid july.

  19. Whoa...whoa...your not off the hook that easily. Lets set a goal to get 500 or more messages. We now need pics of fur/bush. Or...more booty shots. Boobs are great..but butt is where's it at.
  20. Meet at 888 zyzxix rd. Have your girl meet us...at ash cave. I'm joking dude, i'm not even going. You would have to ask the Op.
  21. Absolutely. We're not responsible for her being passed around like a bag of oreo's though.
  22. Pink is better than nothing. lol. You could do a butt shot...with hands on your crotch! Works for me.
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