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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Haha. Well, best of luck with both endeavors.
  2. Sounds like she's more trouble than she's worth. Is the new chick, the one with the kids? Why not kick her to the curb if she's such a pain man?
  3. Brian was talking about "maybe" getting some on the side...and you just jump straight to gang bangs? Christ...
  4. The thing between HD and Ducati is...for me at least, that i would jump (if i could afford) to buy a Diavel or a Streetfighter. Those would be at the top of my list, and i wouldn't cry if i was forced to ride a 1198 or maybe even a Monster. The ONLY bike i would even consider...from HD would be a V-rod. It's all null and void...because i can't afford any of these. 12. I would have to add to the list that they are usually too expensive.
  5. What do you mean by no one ever wants go and do stuff with you? I'm sure the local hobo's...could use a beer. Just sayin. Sayyyyyyyy wut?
  6. If your up for a drive. An hr...maybe 45 min...depending on how you drive. Lancaster really isn't that bad at all. Park at one of the gas stations (shell is the closest) on North High st and your set. They let them off the mountain.
  7. Reading the paper right? Gotta get that worldly knowledge in. Speaking of break up tips, and what nots. You...and sapphy?
  8. "worldly knowledge" = i'm old.
  9. Your going to start a mens equal rights riot here...if you keep that shit up. And btw....way to turn this thread into NSFW.
  10. Some girls will NEVER break up with you. Never. In a way...it's kind of a pussy way out...and then again, it's not. Pussy= not having the balls to kick her to the curb yourself. Badass= because you live it up and do what you want, and ask questions later.
  11. If i caused anyone to pm you, off what i said in this thread...i apologize. Definitely not what i intended. Harley guys need to learn how to joke around a little more and not take things so seriously. We're referred to as squid's, but we don't complain. Usually...
  12. I have a feeling Ben's going to be getting some pm's.
  13. Women are like dogs...you can train them. Just kidding! Please, none of you kill me. please?
  14. That's on my list to try for sure...
  15. Stuff's Hottt A couple rope burns and a little (alot) puke don't hurt.
  16. Those are the best ones. They never know, and 2...you don't have to cook breakfast...or have the awkward "i gotta go" moment. Cause...you already did. Twice. Think about it.
  17. I'm with Tyler...i truly hate both of you.
  18. Yeah, i wasn't aware they are older Ferrari's. Well...there was your 1st mistake.
  19. I dislike mopeds! This story will now make everyone dumber. I had one when i was 13-14 maybe, rode it all over town like a dirtbike. Not plated, no temps. Finally taking it off a jump to injure tiny evil knievel.........in my pants. I sheared the handle bars straight off the ever resilient chick magnet. Up until that point...the summer was awesome, plenty of fun and sun. I weeped many tears over that little rocket. A sad, sad day in my life...i'll never forget. To make matters worse, about 3 days later i sold the broken moped to a guy down the street for 25$. That mother fu_ker was riding it 2 days later!
  20. I personally don't care what you ride, as long as it's not a moped. People do bash on HD...because of the stereotypes. And...well, i haven't got to see anything that would really change my opinions on those stereotypes. Honestly. I was driving on memorial dr last summer in Lancaster. A guy on late 2000's Hd in the lane next to me. Turn my head, bike thumping away...and i immediately notice the engine just bobbing up and down like crazy. Kinda reminded me of Monica Lewinsky. That's not the point, but even the rider in his tie dye shirt and sunglasses couldn't help but continuously look at the engine shake. There was obviously something wrong. On NinjaNick's Dayton ride last year...we had a Harley that had to head to the HD dealer that was close by, because it started leaking oil (correct me if im wrong). When i head out to Texas Roadhouse every once in a while. I'll see an older guy late 40's early 50's dressed in HD gear head to toe. Down as many beers as he can, and then watch him get into his mini van. I won't say anything about the actual bikes they have out compared to metric bikes. Price...or reliability and performance. Like i said, i don't have any problems with what you ride...sans moped. What you wear, whatever. But, the stereotypes are there for a reason and you guys get mad at the non HD riding guys for pointing it out?
  21. I honestly think they look pretty decent. And they definitely do hold their value. When you do find them for sale, every once in a while...people are fucking retarded with the prices asked for them. I think from what i remember kbb saying they should run 4-5k still.
  22. The newer impala ss's or the 7th gen 94-96? The 94-96 are RWD fyi.
  23. 1985 was the 1st year for the Gsxr 750. Crazy. I would ride one. Those things look great.
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