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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Anyway you can go and get the battery tested?
  2. I'm right there with you. Most bikes (so far) that i've bought have been lower ticket bikes. I feel you can get your money back, or sell the bike for more than what you paid. Higher end bike's not so much. They also seem to sit quite a while longer.
  3. Yeah, alot of bikes out there are overpriced. They either are in good shape and people are asking far too much. OR, they are asking a fair price...for a well maintained bike...in which the bike is not.
  4. Ahhh damn, sucks to see you go Clint. I remember you saying something about this a while back on FB. We only went on one ride together...which i will not speak of, but from the moment i started talking to you...i could tell you were a good guy. I think most that met you, will say you were liked...maybe. But, really best wishes to the wife, the kid and yourself. Btw, you may have said it and i probably forgot...but why are you moving back? Family? And what are you doing with the Cbr, still trying to sell it?
  5. So which was it? "My fu~king bike!" "My fu~king bike"! "My fu~king bike!" "Wtf did you do to my bike!?" Or "Holy sh~t, dad...are you ok!?"
  6. Just out of curiosity...why would you sell a perfectly good 06...to buy an 07? I could understand if it was a different bike...but? 07 you gain 1 hp...and lose 7.2 lbs. Nothing against Brn's bike. It's phenomenally gorgeous. Wish i had the $. Best of luck with the sale.
  7. Last year i was riding on clearcreek road and really could have used a bike like buildit's. Felt like i should have had knobbies. Next day i noticed my fork seal leaking.
  8. Welcome to the site. You'll find plenty of people here to ride with.
  9. Just out of curiosity...what are you drinking that's so high and above yuengling?
  10. Usually...when i'm looking to buy something off Cl. When it comes to vehicles i look for a bike or a car a little out of my price range. No more than 2-300$. I call about said item...ask details about it, etc, etc. Then i ask what they're looking to get out the vehicle...or what the lowest they would take would be. That way, if only have a certain amount of money i don't waste my time or the sellers by showing up with less than an acceptable amount. I never flat out make an offer unless it's in person, but i try to at least get a ballpark figure of what it would take to own the vehicle beforehand. A personal pet peeve of mine. On CL if sellers do not have a phone number i don't even bother contacting them. To each their own.
  11. Why does it have to be in Lancaster?
  12. That thing still working ok for you?
  13. Just looking for a beater, A to B piece of shit that runs good. For 1000$ or less. Preferably 4 cyl's or 6 cyl's. V8's...MAYBE. I've looked on craigslist. Anything is a gamble, but at that price it's lemon sorting. Just wanted to see if anyone had a lead on a cheap car, that they KNOW runs well. I appreciate any info. Pm me or call me at 740-974-9782 if you have anything. Thanks Shawn.
  14. You actually have that mixed up.
  15. When i said bad...i didn't mean you. Haha. It's an 89...?
  16. It was bad all around. No worries.
  17. Pretty simple. Mentioned part of it to you a while back. 1st sportbike. 1st hocking hills ride. 98? Ninja 600. Got up early, washed it...scrubbed it. Still horribly filthy. Running out of time, run in the house. Shower. Take off. As Jinu said. Tires are Extremely under inflated. Someone says "hey those tires look like shit newb" I'm like wut? I "think" i checked. Not 100% sure, if i did...i somehow read the gauge wrong...or just didn't feel like having everyone wait for me to air them up. Yeah...dumbass move. No excuse for it. Wrecking and people calling you out...definitely changes your perspective on alot. I was ALL over the place with the bike. To make matters worse, my gear sucked. I've taken care of that problem as well. I don't give a shit now. I've learned my lesson. If the tires need aired up...and you can't wait, then leave. I'll catch up or ride some where else.
  18. Thanks asshole! No...totally warranted and valid. I've said it a few times on here, i definitely learned my lesson. I just actually broke my digital tire gauge, the other day. Need to buy another one. I owned the YZF for a while...i was a responsible puppy and checked the pressure often. If it's any consolation. And...it never fought the ground! Ever!
  19. Looks like it's gonna be a wash. Condition of his bike...not nearly up to par. And now, might need the carbs tuned.
  20. Thanks. Was thinking about it. Would try to get no less than 2k for it. Definitely worth a shot.
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