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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Hey Josh. Good meeting you man. Thanks for letting me tag along with you to BK.

  2. Hey lady. Are you getting another bike? :D

  3. Hey man, just curious. How many pics did you get yesterday?

  4. Hey man, you doing anything tomorrow after the game?

  5. Hey man. I guess your message was meant for me? lol. I haven't been on the boards in over a month, since i logged in for a little last night. I had surgery to have a benign tumor removed about 4 weeks ago on my upper thigh, and everything else just kinda snowballed. I've been trying to actually stay away from the site, (dont know i told you this) but without a bike at the moment it's just torture. Reading all the great posts about riding, it's miserable lol.

    Enough of my babble, hope your business is doing great man. You do amazing work! If i ever get a bike...i'll be coming to you, to get some great work done. You mentioned you had your bike in the shop? Did you get some work done man?

    Anyway, good talking to you


  6. Hey man. That was Rick37 and me today at the Pony. We stopped in to say hi, but you were busy...and didn't want to get you in trouble.

  7. Hey man. You mind sending me a pm? Would like to talk to you about something.

  8. Hey, thanks man. I actually went and looked at that same bike a while back for Bikerboy. It's no-where as nice as it is in the pics. There's a big hole where the petcock should be, and it didn't want to start. The kid knows nothing about it either. I met him at the gas station near 37. Once he gassed it up, he cranked it for a few min with the killswitch set to off. I had to show him what he was doing wrong. :nono:

  9. Hey, that's awesome man. I'm sure everything will work out and you can wear out the new bike. Good luck, let me know how it goes.

  10. Hey, you put on it whatever you like man. It will be your bike. I'm sure you will find a way to make it look kickass. I would just leave out the girl...maybe lol. But then i guess, that doesn't make it underworld? I'm a fan of skulls, flames, tribal, i know it sounds cliche...but it's cliche because that stuff looks awesome. I think if you made another skull variation like the one you have now...it would look sick. Just my 2 cents.

  11. Hey. Again, nice meeting you. Thank you very much for the bags. They'll definitely be put to use. Good luck with your inspection. Bike looks great, i don't think you'll have any problems. ~Shawn

  12. Hey. Are you still selling your bike to get a Ds, or another sportbike?

  13. Hey. Congrats to you and your wife man.

  14. Hey. How are you doing? Haven't seen you around much.

  15. Hey. How are you doing? I used to have a 76 kz 400. How long have you had yours?

  16. Hey. How you doing man? Still recovering?

  17. Hey. I know Jp is like your bff man, but i think your like 20-30 min from me probably right off 33. We should get a ride going or something soon. I'd like to see that Fizzer...been looking at them myself.

  18. Hey. I made it to Catolfino's wtf were you? lol. How's that ps3 working for you btw?

  19. Hey. I'll see you tomorrow for the ride. Are you ready? lol.

  20. Hey. I'm keeping my options open. Just trying to find something that looks ok, with enough power. Why? Do you have something in mind?

  21. Hey. It was good meeting you at the party last night man. You guys were hilarious. :D

  22. Hey. It was good meeting you last night man

  23. Hey. Read about your spill. You and the bike good?

  24. Hey. Sorry for the delay. Haven't been on much lately man. If you need it/want it back give me a time, date, etc thats good for you.

    I appreciate you guys letting me borrow it. Still too broke to buy it yet. lol. Still wanting too, and will when i can. No employment hurts.

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