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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Hey. Wow, really? That's pretty cool man. How much are you trying to get out of it? If you get a new bike, do you have any paint schemes in mind for it?

  2. Hey. You fixing up the Ninja this winter?

  3. Hey. Your selling your Cbr?

  4. Holy bajeezus....your a ginger? :wtf:

  5. Honestly, wtf did you piss off? lol. No, unfortunately. Got my self in trouble with the bike and trying to clear some things up. Live and learn, come back a better rider next year. Hopefully.

  6. How you been bud?

  7. How you doing man? Sounds awesome! Yeah, if you can afford it, i would cam it. Just sounds so much better. The month thing, not so awesome lol. Oh..at least you know how i feel haha. Are you still doing that underworld paint job?

  8. How you getting your bike back? Riding it?

  9. I appreciate the offer. But i was looking to get financed through a dealer or a cu. However, about to start a new job...shouldn't take too long to have 6k. But...it will probably be gone by then. Good luck with the sale though.

  10. I bet it runs better than your kawi. Go put some nos energy drink in your tank. lulz.

  11. I bet! I love the looks of the vtx's, and actually going to go look at some today. They had a yellow vtx 1800 that i got my eye on. Both of your bikes look great btw! The only thing with the shadow's is...i don't like the pullback bars. I like mine to be straight. I'll have to catch you at the next bike night, or meet and greet.

  12. I can imagine. I'm sure everything will be fine. But...sleepless nights await you my friend. :D Can't complain. lol. Thanks for asking.

  13. I can imagine. She should be able to eat for free though? :D Mine's kinda...packed, got the whole b-day shit. :drink:

  14. I checked it out man. Looks awesome, and can't wait to see it when it's done. You'll have to take alot of pics, and get a video of it running. :D

  15. I didn't see this until now. Haha. That would be awesome! I'm not picky, i'll take a 2010 or 11 model. Not to be danny downer, but i'm not holding my breathe. This might give me an opportunity to finish up some schooling. Have a great weekend man!

  16. I don't know...but do they make extra thick bra's for colder weather? :p

  17. I gotta get some sleep man. Talk to you later.

  18. I had a woman basically do this to me on my other sabre (85 V65) Stop and go traffic and slammed on the brakes. Handle bars flew out of hands. We're both big guys, but cruisers are heavy man!

  19. I have neither. lol. At least at this time.

  20. I joined the V twin cruiser club. :D

  21. I just saw your little comment. Ima kill you. :D

  22. I know. Now...i have to spend more time with people.:( Err. I think i might be getting a ps3 for Christmas...so not sure what to do.

  23. I like big butts...err wrong forum. Haha. What are you up to?

  24. I meant you as princess leia. His fetish. Not mine. He's got teh skills, gotta give it to him. :p

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