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Posts posted by danballa

  1. Just because this thread entertained me while not being able to sleep again, I think I'll post up, and yeah, it probably will irritate/upset people some more, but that is NOT my intention. Sure, I'm probably going to be flamed for my opinions too.. If that is what makes you feel better, go right ahead.

    The 140 and sideways is an inside joke. He even said that, but people still think its just ego? Inside jokes are not ego.. They are jokes, meant to make someone laugh.. If you didn't laugh, then you don't know the joke.

    135mph on his bike is believable. Don't forget lots of bikes often have a 7-10% speedo error!

    Riding in marysville in snow, isn't that big of a deal. The streets are usually pretty deserted, and the cars that are out, are all scared to go more then 5mph. The biggest danger, is they like to dump 5ft of salt at the stop signs/lights. Marysville traffic is absolutely Nothing compared to Columbus or a suburb.

    I know him fairly well.. He jokes, and does not really have an ego. If my health acts up, he is always the first to volunteer to leave a ride, no matter where we are, to make sure I get home safely. Trust me, not everyone would do that, and from my personal experience of 8yrs of bad health problems (5 or so actually riding) it is actually rare for people to leave a ride early, just to help someone who is sick. (Injured yes, lots of people will leave to help.) No questions asked, doesn't even get upset, or disappointed with it, or with me. To me, that fact alone tells me he is a stand up type of guy.

    He is right in that if you actually got to know him in person, then you would understand his posts better.

    Why do people give someone else a hard time for something they choose to do? Its just negativity at it's finest. What's that saying? "Judge not, lest ye be judged." (something like that, too lazy to look it up) If he, or anyone wants to risk riding in the snow, (I've done it too, and I have no ego), then you should wish them well. He isnt out there stunting, or leaving black marks on the road in front of peoples houses..( Oh wait, he dis do that one) he isnt out there running from the cops, or giving bikers a bad name to the police. He really only risks injury to himself. If he is willing to take that risk that all bikers take to start with, then the added risk of some snow, more power to you, and to anyone. He/they/we are simply Living life how they want to, and not sitting around, living it how Other people want them to live it. Just be careful is all I can say. Instead of negativity, how bout saying hey.. Remember to wash that Salt off your bike when you get home.. Some people, just do it for the love of the ride. Life is too short, and precious to just sit around and wait for a perfect day to ride. Negativity is simply a waste of energy. It accomplishes nothing good, and often results in detrimental effects upon yourself, and/or others.

    I'm one of those people that don't care about the skill level of a rider, but the quality of the rider themselves. I have no problems riding with him at all. If I were setting up a ride, he would be one of the first invited.

    Why can't we just support our fellow brothers and sisters who are out there riding?

    This is after all, Ohio RIDERS forum.. Not Ohio cagers.

  2. Not a ride I wish to repeat.

    That can be an easy thought to have during snow riding. It doesn't take much to ruin your day on two wheels, and takes that much less in the snow.

    Just hope everyone stays safe this winter..on 2, or in 4

  3. I was out in the snow today. Left my house at noon, had a meeting that ended around 2:30 (30 min late) and then went to Iron Pony....yeah..Next thing I know, its 4:30ish and I'm still there. Starts snowing when I hit the 270/sawmill exit, so I still have 30min to go.

    Snow on a visor sucks more then rain on a visor. Where is that heated visor I saw? Wonder if that works lol. Wasn't much snow when I was out, but my road was all white. I should have been home by 2:30 and should have avoided it. Iron Pony is bad when you don't want to be out long. I don't like riding in snow, I try not to, but if you are careful, alert, and a little bit lucky, then it isn't bad. I will ride in freezing temps without really thinking twice, but if there is snow..I stay home, or take the suburban!

    I think I saw The Silverfox riding on Friday (maybe it was Thursday) Heading into Iron Pony, just as I was putting on my helmet leaving. Did you get a new bike? I thought you have a FJ1300? Until her, I was the only bike in the parking lot..that's an odd feeling. I would have said Hello to you, but was exhausted and just wanted to get home. I'll say Hi next time.

  4. Hey...bad health hasn't allowed me to get out much lately, so I've been doing some shopping online some. Came across this deal today. It works, as I Just got done using it. (The two sites I mention below, I get nothing in return from mentioning them, simply offering info that might help someone.)

    http://shop.timberland.com 40% off using the code 12345

    The have a code on the site for free shipping over $100, SHIP100 (case sensitive) it is from the original price, Before the 40% off. My shipping was already free from having a higher amount, so I don't know if they both stack.

    If you have an account at http://www.fatwallet.com, they give you 6% back from your total purchase from timberland's site. Total of 46% from Tims! Great deal for my fellow Timberland fans! (fatwallet is a site that gives discounts/rebates from a Lot of online stores. They have a forum where people post up good deals they found online, or in actually local stores. It's a good site, I've been on it for 5 years now. When your balance at fatwallet reaches a certain amount, you request a check, or paypal payment, and you get your money! ($10 minimum for a check, I don't know of any minimum for paypal.You can also donate it to the Red Cross straight from fatwallet site if you are into charity) Yes they actually pay you too. I've received a few payments back from them through paypal, and never had any problems.

    Another deal I saw today, is a deal for a $1 pair of earbud headphones. Free shipping too! I have no idea about anything on that site. Never ordered anything from them. http://www.fatwallet.com/best-deals/ace-noise-reducing-comfort-wear-earbud-headphones/

    Have a great day everyone!

    • Upvote 1
  5. See.. I said asked it days ago, if we were meeting somewhere.. Now everyone is meeting up with people. Could have been a nice little OR group ride. Maybe next month.... Ok.. Maybe next year since I doubt many are year rounders

    It is rare when I could had been considered a positive thinker.. But I think it happened!

  6. Scott and I are meeting up with John, then following him down there. (assuming he will let us keep up with him) We are planning on taking 37 to 256 to 664 into Logan. We are leaving 36/71 shell gas station at 10:30.

    Sounds like we are taking same roads as you, but other then leaving at 10:30, I have no idea when we will be where. Idk.. Maybe we will see you somewhere before the restuarant.

    If you can figure out when/where we will be at certain time, let me know and I'll make sure John is aware of it. (unless he checks in here too) I'll definitely check here before I leave in the morning.

    Always waiting till last minute!

  7. Morphine and Oxy's don't mix well with those special drinks.. Or they mix reallllly well.. Either way, I no longer drink. Just cause you're in a cage, doesn't mean you should be drinking either... Just sayin.. Conscience clear

    I don't even look at the weather anymore.. Until I'm getting ready to ride. Then its to decide what gear. Once it starts snowing, I'll pay a little attention.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Hey your doing something you enjoy so that's all that matters. And I'm sure there is a lot of riders that are glad you ride and look out for everyone.

    I simply do what I can. I really do try to keep an eye out on those that I can see, and help Anyone, in any way I can.

    I truly LOVE riding.. Going fast is fun, but I love riding at any speed. I even did a ride with all cruisers Last weekend, and still had a blast! I'm sure many can relate, that when you are on 2 wheels, nothing else matters. Not the pain/health problems, not the wife/gf (or lack of), not the mortgage, nothing. It's pretty much the only time that I ever feel even remotely close to being "normal" anymore. There is another reason, but yeah..I can't spill my entire life story in one thread!


    you guys are going to make me blush! stop with the niceness towards me heh

  9. I'm not sure this is the right section, so please move it to the correct one if it isn't.

    So, I have a Garmin 765t GPS mounted on my bike, that I have used for about 13k this year. Earlier today, I started having problems with the headphone jack of it. It is cutting in and out, and ended up being completely silent for awhile. Using some Wonderful duct tape at a stop, I taped the male part of my headphones with some pressure to the side, to the GPS, and I got one ear working steady. Got home, and tested it with a couple different headphones, and it is definitely the jack Inside of the GPS. The normal speaker is working the same say. It won't work at all, unless the external earphone jack is pressed just right into the GPS jack.

    Basically, it's a good enough GPS for me, I don't want to toss it out, and I don't really have the money to buy a new one. I need the headphones working so that I don't actually have to look down at it while riding, I can just listen to the audio directions.

    I'm offering a free case of BEER to anyone around Central Ohio that fixes it for me. I'll bring it to you within a 50 mile radius of Marysville. I'll pay for the new jack too (if needed), and I'll buy you a case of BEER too! If you don't drink beer, how about some PIZZA!!! or tell me what you want instead.

    If no one local can fix it, and someone farther away can, please speak up. I'll figure out a way to get it to you. Closer people get first chance though.

    Thanks a lot!


  10. I figured you were going to bring up the moment when we stopped at the first gas station and I took off running to go to the restroom. I was about to wet myself, could not concentrate on anything but having to pee so I had to stop. Made a mental note to not drink so much water for breakfast next time.

    The sad part of Ebon missing the ride was it was his route and he even picked the lunch stop which was very good by the way as well as cheap and relatively quick for as many as we had with only one server.

    I went across the street to the other gas station since I didn't feel like waiting. I missed the full leathers and boots sprint to the restroom. I never even knew about it until now. I can't believe I missed that!

    Yeah..Ebon's route, and lunch place..and he missed it all. Poor guy

    my pleasure making the rides..simply wish I felt better. Still working on getting those Good drugs I had a couple months back. Insurance won't pay for the meds, drug company won't help me because I have insurance. That doesn't make sense to me. My favorite nurse called the drug company and explained my situation to them. They are supposed to talk to my insurance and see if they can get them to cover it. They make money if they can convince them, so maybe they will actually try! I dunno, I just know I really wish I had those ones. They worked pretty much perfectly, with only side effect of making me thirsty. I can handle that. Kidney stone history makes me drink lots anyways. Maybe by Next years rides, I will have those meds!


  11. Ben your a trooper

    trooper is often confused with stupidity! don't give me credit..I shouldn't have been out there. Before lunch, maybe..after lunch no. You should see what my foot looked like when I got home. Quoting a certain leader's reply text.. "That's ugly" nothing else..just that. It actually made me laugh

    At least I can handle my meds pretty well, but someone probably should have slapped me


  12. John waited, and waited, and waited..until i finally lifted my head up for that pic with me at the head of the table. I thought he gave up..but he is sneaky. Anyone ever notice, how when he is riding down the freeway, he likes to tap, tap, taptaptap, tap tap, taptaptap his hand on his leg to his music? (i'm assuming his music, or he is singing to himself?)

    I made it the entire ride..and for most of the ride, it wasn't bad. Lunch time, was painful for me, and I never really was the same after lunch. All the pain was starting to overpower my meds..so then I had to take even more meds to compensate. A little bit after lunch..Whoooooaaaaa... yeah..I started to realize I really had too many meds in me, and slowed waaaay down.

    I had a lot of fun though, and I really enjoyed the route. Excluding the traffic, (once it warmed it) it was great! Too bad Ebon missed it all! I once again, got confused this ride. (I know, it doesn't take much to do that.) Last ride, it was a certain person (who shall remain unnamed) on a GPS enabled Bandit, who missed the turn, and really baffled my GPS. This time, it was a certain fearless ride leader, also with a GPS enabled bike!! who missed a turn, and made my Australian chick voice navigator get upset, then go kinda crazy by missing the side roads to get me back to the normal route. HA!! good times!

    Ebon, you sadly missed Two great future memories of today's ride, which might not Ever happen again! For the first time Ever (at least for me heh)...we had to actually wait on John! The first memorable moment, he taught us All an important lesson... We were waiting at an intersection for 5-10 minutes for a couple riders, talking, laughing, taking a quick break. Then we all get ready to take off again. Suddenly one of those Kodak moments occur..or was it a GoPro moment? Yeah..we all watched, waited, maybe even pointed and laughed, as John taught us to Always make sure your camera batteries are fresh Before the ride! Dead batteries just don't work well for some reason? Thank you very much for that lesson Sensei

    The second great memory, might have been the best part of the entire day for me.. drugged up and all...I managed to actually Pass Everyone, and then waited for them all at the next turn like I was supposed to. Sure...they might have been stuck in traffic....but that's just a minor detail. I passed everyone at once!!, and that's all I will remember.

    Thank You John, for a great year. I accomplished my goal of making it to every ride this year, and getting home accident free each time! I had to leave early on a couple of them, but I at least started every ride. Might not sound like a big accomplishment, but for me, it is huge. Thanks for all the fun, great times, and great memories. Yeah, there are a couple mishaps that also stick out in my mind, but for the most part..just Great rides, with Awesome people! Hope all you front runners, didn't get tired of waiting on me this year. If you did..well, Tough!

    Thanks Again John! I can't wait till next year!


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