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Posts posted by yummy_waffles

  1. hooray for tshirt designs! okay...this one i wanted to incorporate all types of riders by using different helmet styles. I know the tagline is awful, but just replace it with anything relative to the idea. i vectored each helmet in illustrator and finished off in photoshop :) enjoy.


  2. yes it is

    holy crap! yeah, my friends and i used to play on that basketball hoop when i was a kid. how long have you been there for? cuz i think i was visiting my mom and walking my dog in the neighborhood when i saw a couple of bikes in your garage or maybe it was your neighbor's?

    i usually go back there to visit once or twice a month. we're right down the street at haywood ct. :)

  3. you've definitely got the talent to become sought after

    i wish you the best of luck

    and wonder if you would do a helmet for me??

    pretty please?

    sure. i'm up for the task. let me know if you have a theme in mind. i do a bit of everything, but i've been high on sharpies for quite some time now - so a lot of it right now is just graffiti and doodling around. :)

  4. hrrrmm.good though...

    oh and btw your flicker page is amazing what are you shooting with?

    thanks man! most of the photos aren't shot with anything special other than a canon G9. I had to get rid of the dslr so I could be more mobile w/ something more compact.

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