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Everything posted by EvilTwin

  1. Probably b/c his face was melting off.
  2. Well just don't ever eat a wing with Monkey Blood on it, it will burn your face off... unless you're Ben, then it has no effect.
  3. Were you able to get it activated?

  4. umm......... sure you weren't............ You don't remember Ross crying because of the Monkey Blood?
  5. I didn't say more effective, I said more dangerous. They cause more damage in the direction they are pointed in a shorter amount of time. Meaning that if some retard sprays an auto in your direction you're more likely to get hit than if he had a semi-auto. In a drive by, I would much rather be shooting a tech 9 than a glock (not that I would ever do such a thing). I was also making the assumption that said wielder of the auto was not an experienced shooter, b/c in the hands of an expert any gun is dangerous, almost equally so, because they know how to use them properly.
  6. Oh pi, you didn't use the little symbol and it's been almost a year since I took a math class... I feel like a retard now.
  7. I dropped math 152 four times, i dun get calc unless it's in a physics application.
  8. I thought we were done with this debate b/c you "could not argue the topic with me anymore", and I agreed with you? However if you really want my opinion I'll give it to you. So, do you want me to answer that?
  9. Apparently what do the I and the P stand for?
  10. Ok, i've never seen that equation before.
  11. ^ to bad we engineers have so much worthless math crammed down our throats, or I could be well on my way to making boat loads of money.
  12. Alright I recognize that although we are both pro gun people we disagree on a major point that neither of us is willing to budge on; I respect your right to your opinion and lets leave it at that.
  13. How is an automatic weapon more dangerous than a semi-auto? I lays down more lead. And I believe my original point when i made that comment was that criminals have access to autos so we should all be able to carry to protect ourselves.
  14. Wait, what about doctors and lawyers who earn 6 figures +?
  15. One that shoots faster than you can pull the trigger. IP if you had read my last post you would have seen the part where I said that everyone, even felons, should be able to own a gun for home defense. It would however have to be a shotgun, or maybe a rifle, and they shouldn't be able to take it off of their place of residence except perhaps under special circumstances. I understand perfectly the ramifications of the laws now in place, so stop talking to me like some naive little child. I have said that the system for carrying guns concealed and unconcealed needs changed so that it is easier for law abiding citizens to protect themselves. However I still do not think that the people in society that have proven themselves untrustworthy should be given this ability to carry a weapon in public. They fucked up, this is part of their punishment. You can have all the rights you want until you prove that you can't handle them.
  16. Yes i understand that the bad guys will always have guns if they want to, and they might even have more dangerous guns then we're allowed to have. That is why we should all carry guns, except those who have proven they aren't capable. You think that just b/c someone has received the "you're good enough to get out of jail" pass that they are "rehabilitated?" Hell no. There are so many people who can bull shit the system, it isn't prefect. Some people who get out of jail are still the same, some are worse, and some are better; unfortunately we can't reliably tell who is in what condition. It is horrible that we have lump people into groups, like felons, but we have to b/c we can't possibly separate the bull shitters from the genuine. That's why I don't think felons should be able to carry, they can own guns for home defense, like shot guns, but i don't want them walking around with a 9mm stuffed down their pants. if they want to carry illegally they will, but at least it will be illegal. The fact that you have to have a permit to carry a gun will stop some people from carrying illegally. There are some criminals out there who are on the fence enough to be deterred by the laws, which makes it just that much safer to walk out your door every day. And with the laws in place it makes it easier to punish those who do commit crimes. All that being said, gun control is getting out of hand, our rights are being taken away. Do I know how to fix the situation? No. Do i wish more law abiding citizens carried firearms? Yes. But I do not believe that giving everyone under the sun the license to conceal a handgun under their coat is the best options.
  17. No this is the last one, after this weekend President Obama has declared that Coshocton will be leveled out and repaved with all straight roads so that everyone can be equally fast in a straight line so that no biker can show off his cornering skills. This is the beggining of a much larger effort to promote equallity in recreational motor sports; other areas scheduled for "staightening" include Rattlesnake Pass, Deals Gap, All of West Virginia, and many more.
  18. That doesn't say anything about CC. If there were federal, all encompassing, rules, regs, reqs, etc for CC licenses, then we wouldn't have problems with CC licenses from some states not being good in others. If everyone was held to a high standard or if the test was a "federal" test, then you could CC anywhere in the 50 states.
  19. Seems like that problem could be solved by a Nation wide standard of CC regs and reqs.
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