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Everything posted by EvilTwin

  1. According to wikipedea (because I checked) she only got it half right. But w/e im to tired to say anything worth while right now. Oh and I don't have an engineering job b/c I'm only a student. I work construction, but I understand what we're doing and why were doing it better then everyone else on the crew and sometime even our super.
  2. Can't go, work starts at 3pm for me and will go till at least 8pm if not longer. I could maybe meet up later depending on how work goes.
  3. I just realized that I need to clarify a point. I was talking about counter steering through a turn not to initiate a turn. Counter steering is most always necessary to initiate a turn, in order to get the bike to lean left you need the wheels to momentarily move to the right, so you steer right. Once the lean is initiated however, if you're forward speed is not great enough you will have to steer into the turn, instead of out of the turn.
  4. I do assume a lot, it's a fault of mine. And you can't counter steer if your not going fast enough. There is a point where you can be turning as tight as you bike can turn and going so slowly that your bike would simply fall over in the direction you're turning if you tried to lean and counter steer. You need enough momentum to actually hold your bike up during the turn, which is why on a lot of low speed turns, like making a left through an intersection in traffic, you don't counter steer you actually steer into the turn.
  5. If the weather is good, I'm there. Maybe Julie can up her "wing count"... lol
  6. When turning left at high speeds your momentum is to the right (well really your mass wants to continue straight, but it feels like to the right), so if you turned your front wheel to the left, the bike would simply flip over. The lean is what turns the bike and by counter steering you allow the bike to lean more. That's why you can bring your bike out of a lean by simply straightening the bars. Furthermore, by getting your ass off the seat and hanging off into the turn you're lowering the center of gravity and allowing the bike to carry a greater speed at the same angle as if you were not hanging off the seat.
  7. No wonder you've never dated an Engineer, you just assume we all play WOW. I don't play WOW, or any other online RPG, or really many video games at all. And I didn't mean all of us of course; I was more asking if you were open to dating engineers, since some girls can't stand to hold intellectual conversations about exactly why it is that you have to counter steer if you take a turn at a speed grater than 20mph.
  8. Shotguns aren't the best choice b/c then you have to wait till they are right in front of you, instead of just putting a 306 round through their skull at 300yds.
  9. I'm sorry I wasn't trying to state the obvious, but you asked such a simple question I didn't feel the need to give an extremely detailed answer. If I had know your past situation with the lying army engineer I might have given a more enlightening answer. But it is simple; Army Engineers built and tear down shit, Army Mechanics fix things, and everyone else shoots people... oh except the desk jockeys, they do mindless and meaningless work.
  10. I'm pretty sure they build bridges, runways, barracks, etc.
  11. If they lick my eyeballs at least they will have some moisture on them and not be so F-in dry.
  12. Ours is the long empty one and everyone else is crammed into the short one and licking each others eyeballs.
  13. Loner engineer who has an artistic side; you sound like an older version of me. Though I f*cking hate chemistry, took me two trys to pass 125.
  14. Please tell me that that last part isn't photoshopped.
  15. Holly Shit! SAEM now has it's own thread, just like that. One step closer to becoming an official group.
  16. The only people who are in the College of Engineering and shouldn't be are those damn Architects. Who decided those glorified art majors were good enough to hang with us highly trained Engineers anyways?
  17. Oh God, CSE is way over my head, I took the intro programing class and barely made it through the last 3 weeks. It's just to much to take in. And make that two bagels, toasted but I with cream cheese instead and it better not be light cream cheese either.
  18. Oh you missed the whole convo we had on facebook... lolz...
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