Yes i understand that the bad guys will always have guns if they want to, and they might even have more dangerous guns then we're allowed to have. That is why we should all carry guns, except those who have proven they aren't capable. You think that just b/c someone has received the "you're good enough to get out of jail" pass that they are "rehabilitated?" Hell no. There are so many people who can bull shit the system, it isn't prefect. Some people who get out of jail are still the same, some are worse, and some are better; unfortunately we can't reliably tell who is in what condition. It is horrible that we have lump people into groups, like felons, but we have to b/c we can't possibly separate the bull shitters from the genuine. That's why I don't think felons should be able to carry, they can own guns for home defense, like shot guns, but i don't want them walking around with a 9mm stuffed down their pants. if they want to carry illegally they will, but at least it will be illegal. The fact that you have to have a permit to carry a gun will stop some people from carrying illegally. There are some criminals out there who are on the fence enough to be deterred by the laws, which makes it just that much safer to walk out your door every day. And with the laws in place it makes it easier to punish those who do commit crimes. All that being said, gun control is getting out of hand, our rights are being taken away. Do I know how to fix the situation? No. Do i wish more law abiding citizens carried firearms? Yes. But I do not believe that giving everyone under the sun the license to conceal a handgun under their coat is the best options.