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Everything posted by EvilTwin

  1. I live in Clintonville, which is 3 miles north of campus. Very good neighborhood, it's where I grew up, and our apartment is $635 base rent + utilities. It comes out to about $300 each in the winter and maybe as low as $275 in the summer; that's split three ways. It's not a small apartment either, two bedrooms, one bath, three levels (including a basement) and a garage.
  2. Madcat, PM sent. Zorro, 600 is more than twice what I pay right now, so I think I'll have to pass on your offer; but thanks anyways.
  3. All year riding season, and going to MMI.
  4. Can I stay at your place anyways, even if i wont give you my bike? I might let you ride it.
  5. The lease on my apartment is up at the end of July, but I'm moving to Phoenix at the end of September. That leaves me two months where I need someplace to crash. I don't need a lot of room, just someplace to sleep and a corner to throw my cloths in... Oh and safe place for my bike. I'm more than willing to pay rent and help out however I can. Let me know if you have room, or if you know someone who does. I would prefer to stay in the Columbus area since this is where i work, and long commutes make me angry. Thanks!
  6. Unless you end up flying to Cleveland again on Friday, and...
  7. A snapshot, that's about all that bike was worth... useless...
  8. Yea I would take that off road, just to see what would happen.
  9. +1 on we should be able to carry everywhere, except maybe courthouses, police stations and those kinda things.
  10. What's a good price for a new black Vortex?
  11. I think I'll go despite the poor condition of my rear sprocket.
  12. I totally agree he doesn't need a 1k for his first track bike, though I would hate to see him sell the Rep.
  13. He'll buy the 650 because she told him to, then he'll come to his senses after a few track days, like you said ousley, and he'll buy a 636 b/c that is the best option. If we all listened to the women in our life when it came to motorcycles, where would we be?...
  14. When ever Hate My Life comes on the radio I sing at the top of my longs and flick everyone off who is driving around me... I like that song.
  15. No it would be pretty easy to beat, like gixxie said, inline 4s will drop the 650. however if you get a 636, the other 600s will have a very hard time keeping up.
  16. Mmmm, I have techno on the list, but I can't stand to listen to Sandstorm anymore b/c it's so overplayed.
  17. Don't get an SV650, my 95 ZX6R has more power than an 06 SV650. Get a 636.
  18. Alright, I remembered meeting you and seeing the speakers on your bike, but I didn't know your sn.
  19. What are your favorite "Drive Fast" songs. My current Riding play list includes bands such as System of a Down, Rammstein, The Offspring, and Benny Benassi, as well as others.
  20. Besides Springsteen, Cash, Diamond and the Verve, I've never heard any of those bands; and i've never listened to Neil Diamond.
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