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Everything posted by EvilTwin

  1. +1 on caging it if necessary, gotta have a good turn out for this first one.
  2. Is there anyway I can get some of the pics you took?

  3. If I ever own my own shop that's gonna be posted up in the back, only it'll be: Sales Floor vs Shop Floor
  4. I sometimes wonder if I follow to close to fellow riders, but I do the same thing in my car, so i guess it's just what I'm comfortable with.
  5. I had gas at the beginning of the day, I just wasn't counting on my reserve not working, b/c I'd never run it that low before. And I don't have a 20 gallon tank like you! but thanks for lending me some of your vast supply
  6. I'll hold him, you guys beat the sh*t out of him.
  7. I forgot the screen names of two of the members of team 8 but here are the ones I know: EvilTwin Looney Ziggy RiceBurner 1980Z550LT
  8. Don't pretend like your dick is that big.
  9. Casper I see you finally got the The ARS's... er I mean team 9's memory card decoded ;)

  10. I also demand a recount! that was a barn not a shed!... Congratz to team 6 whoever you are.
  11. Hey Looney, what is PJ's screen name, do you remember?

  12. F*ck if I know, electrical is my weakness and I just kinda wing it when I have to work on it.
  13. You don't plan on doing anything crazy, but serriously, you own a bike; you are prone to crazy.
  14. Yea my bike has a similar problem, just not as drastic. My bike was geared down so 6k = 65, 7k = 75, just like yours, but my bike redlines at 14k so doing 9k really isn't a big deal. And no, we weren't speeding... or making illegal left turns... or parking illegally... or getting handcuffed by cops...
  15. Not rapid clicking, just a click when I press the starter button down, and a click when it is released.
  16. You're in the system now... shun, shun...
  17. Were you in my group? group 8 with the two Vstars, the red SV, blue R-6, Black white and orange ZX-6R (mine), and the black and green cruiser (sorry can't remember what it was now)?
  18. +1... oh wait, no one can see my garage... On the front of my apartment maybe?
  19. ...I'm sorry what was the question again?
  20. Hey the memorial tournament is in town this weekend, is that gonna fuck us up with traffic?
  21. I'm at 5/3 right now and have been for 10+ years, when I walk into my branch I'm greeted by name, and if I have a problem it is resolved asap. When I re-organized my accounts 2 years ago, the bank manager himself was the one who helped me. So no complaints with 5/3 except they don't have any branches in AZ where I'm moving at the end of the summer. So I'm currently looking for a bank that is in Ohio and AZ.
  22. You guys have branches in Phoenix?
  23. Damn, I need to get lojack for my comp. On a different note, my roommate and I once contemplated lojacking our other roommate's car so we could call him during the day and freak him out by know exactly where he was.
  24. Hence why I check every week; gotta be ready to jump on any opportunity... as long as the frame is straight that is.
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