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Everything posted by twisted12

  1. twisted12


    Thanks to all the vets for there bravery and sacrafice
  2. Sounds good will have to check them out!
  3. Looks good congrat a p/u is always a good thing to have especially if you are a home owner
  4. It sucks I think I will give them the week I talked to him and told him I expected the money this week. I guess its a lesson learned but next week there will be no disscusion thanks everyone for your thoughts
  5. I would have to say no on if the other job is still available though I may make a call monday but the odds are slim that it is still there
  6. Its a grey area if it fell under the pay period he did make it sound like it was effective immediatly. I think I should give it the week but my wife is really pissing me off about this shit. She is saying shit like "you should leave" or " go in there and raise hell" and I am like dont make me go there
  7. So I got a new job last week and told my current employer on Saturday. Well when I told them they gave me a guarantee of a certain amount of money. Well when I opened my check of course it wasnt there. Now I am pissed I asked the asshole in charge and he said it would be there next week. I feel like leaving right now my wife is pissed and jobs are tough to come by. Should I give them the week. I have been down this road with these guys before. I should have never stayed.
  8. Wow they really are poor couldn't even afford a mask
  9. That is a nice bike glws
  10. You had a nice day for it. My report would look something like this today Have to work 12 f-en hours today fuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk
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