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Everything posted by twisted12

  1. twisted12


    i heard it was good
  2. Thanks for sharing those pics they are awsome!
  3. i will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers
  4. Anybody riding tonight in cleveland area
  5. to me $850 really isnt a big risk
  6. i always knew you had to watch those ninja riders lol
  7. Looks like a good time. I was wondering how comfortable it was on the bike.
  8. Welcome to the site you live down the street

  9. Sounds like a good ride I work every Sat:puke:I wish I could have gone
  10. good we need someone that can handle howard
  11. it has to be someone from columbus lol
  12. Do not get a tattoo because of the price. I live in cleveland so I dont know any down there. But check around take your time there is a magazine called ohio ink that may help you
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