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Everything posted by AfroCBR

  1. I would be willing to talk to you my man. Many people have suggested talking to a counselor/therapist, I would agree with them. I am a therapist, and have been for the past 5-years (finishing my internship/residency to be a psychologist in Tucson, AZ right now...and will have it in 2 months...yaaay!!). I would be willing to talk to you regarding this (free of charge of course)...as I am always willing to help out another OR friend. PM me if you want to talk. Either way, take care and hope everything works out the way you want it to. I even have time tonight if you'd like... ~Darius
  2. No problem brother. I understand people are busy. I told him that I saw the add on Ohio Riders from you. Take care and ride safe brother!
  3. That's it!!! Thanks brother!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EglLi6nZnZU
  4. It's about to be dedicated my man! Just need to scrape up some funds for a daily driver...

  5. Hello all, I having been searching for months for a video I saw a while back. It was like a commercial for track days. The video had lots of cut scenes with people riding their bikes on a track and the orator had a deep voice. This video made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Any chance someone knows what video I am talking about? Thanks, and ride safe friends . ~Darius
  6. I was able to contact him and he is sending me those aftermarket parts....great guy and A+ communication!
  7. Gotcha. Would you mind PM'ing me his number so that I can shoot him a text? Thanks bro.
  8. think he would be willing to part w/ the ignition module and quick shifter? I sent him an email....
  9. The infamous "Dayton Route" has claimed yet another victim..... that part is SUPER steep....and intimidating...even to the best riders (like Ninja Nick!! lol!!). Best of luck on getting your bike all pieced back together. Alan...you crack me up....I love the photos!!!! Ride safe fellas...and keep the shiny side up!
  10. Below is great info from a personal friend of mine on the 600rr forum (Tenjin). Although it applies specifically to a 600rr...it can be assumed that it is likely the same for a 1000rr..hope this helps: This data, as far as i can tell, applies for ALL years of the Honda 600RR for imperial measurement (U.S.) the temp gauge starts reading at 98f the thermostat STARTS to open @ 176f the thermostat should be fully open @ 183f the fan turns on when the bike reaches 220f, and continue to operate until the bike is brought down to 200f the fan will still operate if the motor is off, key in ignition, and ignition is on, and the bike temp is over 220f, and it will continue to still operate until the coolant in the system is brought down to 200f operation of the bike to the 240 - 250F range is acceptable, how ever this is the range where you would want to find a safe place to park Metric the temp gauge starts reading at 36C the thermostat STARTS to open @ 80C the thermostat should be fully open @ 84C the fan turns on when the bike reaches 104C, and continue to operate until the bike is brought down to 93C the fan will still operate if the motor is off, key in ignition, and ignition is on, and the bike temp is over 104C, and it will continue to still operate until the coolant in the system is brought down to 93c operation of the bike to the 115 - 221C range is acceptable, how ever this is the range where you would want to find a safe place to park =-=-=-= The standard mix of Coolant (ethylene glycol - with corrosion protection inhibitors) is a 50%/50% mix of cooland and distilled (soft) water The radiator and engine contains 3.2 Liters (or 3.4 US Quarts) the Reserve tank contains .3 Liters (or .32 quarts) the radiator pressure limits are 108-137 kPa (or 16-20 PSI) .. note, this is the pressure range where coolant should be switching to the reserve tank as an over flow the thermostat as from start to open to full open should have an 8mm lift (the valve moves 8mm from full closed, to full open) to sum things up... any thing below 250F or 121ish C is NORMAL 250 is flat out the over heat point it is not uncommon for the bikes to get to 240F or 115C
  11. Congratulations to her....that is no small feat!
  12. AfroCBR

    2006 CBR600rr

    bump for a standup and trusted guy!
  13. AfroCBR

    2006 CBR600rr

    Never brother!!!!! How have you been?
  14. AfroCBR

    2006 CBR600rr

    Would you be willing to part w/ the track plastics? Let me know bro.
  15. AfroCBR

    Vote for my dog

    voted as well...best of luck!
  16. ^^^^I would have to agree w/ ohdaho here....after reviewing his posts he simply let future buyers aware that there may be cheaper alternatives....and he did so in a polite and professional manner. I believe the OP is trying to hook us up...no doubt....but ohdaho is trying to make sure members don't overpay.... just my 2 cents
  17. I would buy this if I didn't move to Tucson, AZ.........
  18. sounds just like predator...... here is a AFJ (asphalt junkie) site...with him pictured at the top...does he look familiar??!! http://www.afjraceshop.com/category/uncategorized/
  19. I believe that the 05'-06' parts are interchangeable......not 07' (just my 2 cents)
  20. That looks sick! I may have some pieces to send you my brother!
  21. Ok...so my friend just told me that he has decided to fix the bike instead of selling it. Sorry about getting anyones hopes up. Everyone ride safe and keep the rubber side down! Mods...you can delete this thread...thanks!
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