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Everything posted by blacktalon606
When the first M-16's were dumped in Vietnam, they were a jamming nightmare. They were marketed as a space aged gun that didn't have to be cleaned. They were wrong... and quickly issued cleaning kits and instructions on how to do it. But... In the middle of a jungle war (or desert war might I add) removing small parts from a rifle to clean them is a real pain in the ass. The AR has come miles over it's 4+ generations... but it is still not the greatest slog thorugh the mud gun... but if you take care of it it can work adequately. The modern A2, and A3's don't seem to be nearly as picky about ammo as the A1's... but some are. It all depends who made the parts. But, all that said... I have fired a LOT of steel case ammo in my day, and never had a problem with it.
I have fired about 15k rounds of it in various calibers... it has always went bang for me. Granted... it can't be reloaded... but it makes cheap(er) practice/plinking.
When buying a firearm, it is usually a good idea to stick with Nato or at least common calibers. 9mm .45 .223 .308 30-06 12ga can just about always be found. If you are going to depart from that, at least go with common redneck calibers. .22 .38/.357 .44 etc. Ther further you depart from the list, the harder and more expensive it will be to find gun food. 9mm will always be cheaper than .380 because they make a TON of it. Rare calibers like 9mm kurtz, .357 Sig etc instantly become rare birds when ammo gets short and the price rises like crazy. Granted... all ammo has gone stupid since the prices of lead, copper and brass have lost their minds. Thanks a lot China. In days gone by you could buy a 1000 round case of .380 for $72... but now that same case is $290+ shipping. It makes me sad. lol. Cases of federal 5.56 are $500... it is unbelieveable. There is a magazine at Kroger once in a while... Walmart sometimes has it also... called gun list. That is a book of adds and is usually your best bet for cheap ammo.
Look at OJ... he murdered 2 people and got away with it... surely this guy can beat a ticket. lol. But... Johnny is dead... so maybe not.
Damn! I woulda liked to have seen that. And haha to that little jackass trying to make up for his lack of tallent with his overabundanc of mouth.
Dude, dont' take the motorcycle rider's course unless you specifically want to lower your insurance or something. Just freakin practice and go back in a week. People talk about it like the test is unpassable. If your on a sportbike, you ought to be able to rip that thing up, and it sounds like you did all but one section. So... you know where you need to focus your studies. Just, less sucking next time.
Easier on a cruiser? When I took mine, there were 5 people testing that day. The first guy was on a hog. That dude leaned that sucker over more than I have ever seen someone lean one trying to do the U turn but couldn't make it. Then on the cones he hit a couple and failed. He looked like a damn good rider to me... but he wasn't even close. Maybe it was a tighter than normal course or something... but I didn't see how it could be done on a cruiser. I was number 2 and passed. While I was getting my paperwork done #3 and #4 went... they were both on dirtbikes and failed. #5 Was on a Katana and you could tell he hadn't practiced the U turn enough... the dude on the harley was tighter. lol.
I stayed off the highway... didn't take any passengers etc... but when you use a bike for transportation, it's kinda hard not to ride at night once in a while. I put about 3500 miles on my bike the first summer I had it.
Hey... I understand a lot of the reason for it. Your life may depend on these people at some point and you have to wonder... If I nail this guy for speeding today, will he show up as fast when I need backup? Will this dude drag my ass out of the way when i'm broken and bleeding? But still... the law is suppsoed to apply to us all. That's all I want.
Also, LEOs are held to a higher standard by society, when society hears of the indescression. How often does the LEO community cover up for one of their own? Society, yes... but the legal community holds them to a much lower standard. A police officer near me was found passed out drunk in the drive through at Steak and Shake. Until the story got out... they had no intention of punishing him at all... no charges were filed for weeks etc. The cops took him home. I know a few bad apples spoil the bunch... but small things, lead to bigger things. At LEAST let the guy get the same as I would for the same thing. Years ago when I took criminal law, that was 10 points on my license and a 6 month license suspension.
I highly support police officers who follow the same code they enforce. (I have friends who are officers and my first degree was in CJ... so I have the education as well) The probem with not throwing the book at someone who is not "nearly" above the law... is that is sets a precident. Which laws will he choose to enforce while on duty? Which laws will he let slide? An officer is not supposed to have the descression to enforce the laws they agree with and not others... that is for the courts to decide, so how can you honestly suggest he will faithfully uphold the law, when he breaks it in his free time? What about the $500 in cash he finds during the arrest? I say it's a slippery slope.
Also, if you can afford a registerd lower... you can probably afford $3k for a 416 upper. IJS.
I started out just trying to inform a fellow gun owner, but now your just trying to be an asshole. So you keep using the term "civilian"... Class III dealers are not civilians? Since when exactly? Are you from the government sir? Why are you talking about lightning links or DIAS which are both illegal (unless you have one of the 16 legal ones... that wore out in a couple thousand rounds)? So, they designed it not to work with those.... awesome. That doesn't mean they DIDN't design it to work with a colt lower reciever (which they did)... so if you have a registered M16 lower, you can legally pin the 416 on it, completly negating all the bullshit you just spewed at me. You yourself said you could make it work with a registered MG... which all in all sounds to me like you don't know what the hell our talking about. I'm super stoked that owning a sten gun makes you think your an AR expert, who then goes on boards touting info that makes them sound ignorant... and then gets their panties in a bunch when corrected. That is all.
Not if he wants to keep his job. Cops give tickets... they are like IRS agents with guns. If they don't give tickets.... they get fired and the Chief finds a cop who will write tickets. It's a well known part of their budget. But more to the point, A cop should be held to a higher standard because they are charged by soceity with the duty of enforcing the law. This man, obviously felt he was above the same laws he would arrest you for breaking. I say throw the book at him.
I always heard, "practice as realistically as possible." That looks great if your practicing for duck hunt... otherwise just use bullets and knock down some steel. IJS.
It's called a class III weapon, on a form 4 transfer permit. Read up my friend. There are a great many FA M-16's in civilian hands. Most states allow them if you want to pay for the $200 tax stamp and get the background enema.
It's just a new and improved top half for any 15/16 style rifle. So, if you buy any 16 with a "happy switch" (for about $12k) you can see it in the US.
I was down in Alabama last weekend, and their shelves are completly full. They had everything... .22, 9mm, 45, 357, 223, 7.62, You name it, they had it and in supply.
Your source, NBC says she isn't running... Palin says she is running... who to believe....
Your so right... it's a good thing we have a president modeled after Stalin who thinks the constitution is toilet paper instead. PS: the rumor is she is stepping down to focus on the 2012 election. Maybe by that time the country will realize socialism isn't the way... (but I know you never will… some people will always need someone else to do their thinking for them.)
Spend $10k to make someone else jealous? I'm all right.
That's pretty groovy and all... but it has the added pain in the ass of being a NFA firearm... with months of paperwork, background enemas etc. Not to mention the fact that you can only buy ammo from a few places in the country. You can pick up a BMG today if you have the $$ and you can currently get ammo at most gun shows, or via the internet.
I think that bike is sick.... the only thing that I don't care for is the pop bottle overflow bottle. That just seems a little Beverly Hillbilly's to me... but the rest is dope as hell!
My thoughts exactly...