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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. whatever...obviously I just don't know...
  2. oooo, can i be a moderator too without having to sell my soul?
  3. the first one is contraversal and of course and gave me the ibbie jibbies, but the second one made me lol for sure...
  4. what is your education? I can find out if there is a need for an IT person in our building at work.

  5. Don't know what your education is like, but you can start looking here. http://jobsearch.usajobs.gov/jobsearch.asp?q=&lid=557&jbf571=23&salmin=&salmax=&paygrademin=&paygrademax=&FedEmp=N&tm=&sort=rv&vw=d&brd=3876&ss=0&FedPub=Y&SUBMIT1.x=66&SUBMIT1.y=23
  6. Okay...so I just logged on cause I have been sleeping alllll day and I am LMAO!
  7. her kids probably pushed her over because she said no to the gouchi bag
  8. You could always try the Air Force or the Navy. A lot of people are turning to the Department of Defense now for jobs. Also check out www.usajobs.com. DoD jobs are advertised there and if you have experience in IT and security, I always see jobs advertised for that stuff all over. Best of luck to you!!
  9. Lost1888 - Is that you? Ta hottness!
  10. Okay, as of now, 1 at UDF. Need to get thegame to come too. I will let you know if anything changes cause I have been sick for the past couple of days and am actually taking off work tomorrow. So, if it is too cold on Saturday I may not ride just because I have a bit of a cold. Will keep you updated though
  11. DollFace


    I don't think that was necessary. Don't take part in this thread if you are going to make fun.
  12. DollFace

    Are you LOST?

    you guys are worse than females when it comes to this show. ggghhhheeey! edit: I just realized there are females involved in this thread...sorry girls And, no I dont' watch this show. I have yet to get hooked to any show because all that is ever on my TV is Disney or Noggin.
  13. ^^ woo woo to the Medical Assistant!
  14. Whatchu talkin' bout willis?
  15. duh, how dumb do you think I am... I was pulling all you along for the ride
  16. ^^^ exactly...first one to get it.
  17. I am putting some cookies in a book bag. Anymore stupid questions
  18. Hell, strap me to the back of a scooter, I'm not gonna care I will be dead.
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