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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. Takes one to know one....oooooooo.....oooooo. I got ya. Oh yeah, I went there
  2. We shall be hooligans together!!
  3. Yeah, I know, but I don't like the hastle. I just buy what I want . Pays to have cash...woo wooo!
  4. CBRzach, did you drink some haterade this morning or what????
  5. Holla! You can always make a friend here!
  6. Awwww, moose, you have a special place in my heart!
  7. So, what the heck did I miss after I left? DETAILS PLEASE! Maybe some pics too!
  8. WOO WOOO! Happy birfday! I am gonna try and make it to ya'll's shindig on the 25th! Trying to work out the details with the hubby.
  9. that is priceless how you put your bike in the hotel room!!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt1kxpRygIo
  11. Yeah, I don't want to get on the girls' bad side, so I won't even go there! But, really, it was drama, and it is all worked out. I just had that song in my head the whole time I was there "Too much drama for me mama!" he he.
  12. just another driver not looking for anything smaller than a car. unfortunately, a common mistake with those who pay no regard to motorcyclists.
  13. well, hang in there. I will try and put in a good word for you. Try giving some honest input to some posts instead and never admit that you are trying to get your post count up :)

  14. I am still trying to figure out why you have such a negative reputation? Did you piss someone off or what?

  15. this is just one of those things where we won't ever go into detail it's not a big deal really.
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