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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. Ha ha. Well, at least everyone will know who I am when I pull up to the Spring meet, cause I think I am the only one riding something less than a 600. Oh well.... "Here comes dollface on her powerwheels. What the hell is that hanging off the back of the bike, her cookies? Oh my god, it's her ass. She should have went with the 650!"
  2. Hey I had a dude contact me about buying my bike cause he wants to upgrade...so don't go there either. And, what makes it a chic bike is that it is purple not cause it is a 500....
  3. You are all gay except for him ^^
  4. hmmmm.... we are not going there,son.
  5. I am not going to make it this time. Maybe when it gets warmer. I am probably barely going to be able to make it to the Spring meet, much less an additional 140 milesish. But definately when it gets warmer. Brrrr. I am already cold just talking about it.
  6. Okay, so calling all you folks out in the ville! I was thinking about riding up to UDF at about 1 to fill up with some gas. Is there anyone who would like to ride out with me to the Spring meet? I don't really want to ride alone. It's no fun. Let me know! DDDDollFace
  7. wut, you guys thought I was a dude?
  8. Well, my husband doesn't like tofu, so I have to do it by myself.
  9. No that's okay. But after punch you in the lip and then in the nuts you will be talking a lot slower and using smaller words because you brains will be out your ass. Have a nice day...biach!
  10. I no have full leathers yet but I will wear layers
  11. The soup was definately hot. Had to let it cool off.
  12. You all have it wrong! I have sex with my soup! I loooooove my soup!
  13. ^^^ stop talking about your meat....I already told you to cut it out!!!
  14. DollFace

    Bike Night

    Hey, if I come I will wear my hooters shirt....if I can at least squeeze my left boob into it.
  15. You can call me a hooligan all day long sweety pie :p:p:p
  16. DollFace


    For real..... Not to mention, a lot goes over my heah j/k. Ha ha. Don't let my innocent demeaner fool you! I have a devil on my left shoulder....crap there I go again.
  17. DollFace


    I dunno...I think I have made a few already. At least some threads that gave people a reason to talk about something else. I have been quite successful so far.
  18. Whoa whoa pit pass... I am not suprised honestly. I didn't think it would get any better.
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