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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. ^^ Awww, that was very helpful thank you. Unlike those other worthless punks....oh, I mean...ummm. Juuuuusssttt Kiiiiding!!!
  2. ^^ oh yeah, okay. Actually sat on a FZ1 at the honda dealership in Marysville on Friday night. It was really comfortable, something I think I would enjoy riding. I also called them at Honda East and they quoted me like $5700 otd for an FZ6. But, my insurance company was not so friendly and wanted to charge me a ton cause it is new I guess. But, the sv 650 will probably be the same. Kinda looking at older bikes too.
  3. So, what if you come along a girl that is taller than 5 foot 2, weighs more than 90 lbs, and you have to go all out and buy a large? Better yet, what if her boobs are really big? Then your'e screwed....or not screwed I guess because you can't get the chic on your bike to take her home for a lay. Sorry, off on a rant. I can't fit one boob into an a small, much less and XS! And I don't consider myself to be a fat chic.
  4. Have not ridden one yet. I did not feel comfortable sitting on the s. Too far forward, I like the standard sport feel.
  5. hell yeahs...I'd be all over that. Not to mention your adrenaline was probably all over the place. You could have killed her.
  6. I guess I will just wait until I get there and hit up some of the local shops for sponsors. My husband has a website...guess I should ask him.
  7. ^^ well, that sort of elaborating on what I was saying. They will take our right away to have guns, but people will still obtain them illegally, which will creat more situations like this. It is sad.
  8. I plan on moving back to GA within the next couple of years and have found OR to be a great way to meet people with a common interest. When I move back, I would like to start a website just like this one for Warner Robins. I am ignorant when it comes to this kind of stuff? How do you get the funding to start it, etc?
  9. ^^ Did I mention my budget is below $5k? I sat on an 02 sv650s and didn't like it. It seemed heavy. Is yours that way?
  10. pshhhaaaa! Not for the incredible DOLLFACE (insert echo)!
  11. Probably will make it worse. This guy obtained the guns illegally anyway right?
  12. Welcome. I think you have a whole new appreciation for your bike when you practically build it yourself.....and if you pay out the ass for a new one, but ya know.
  13. Proly for the whole year, especially if it is only liability cause I am only paying $285 a year full coverage with Progressive now. If you are under 25, it makes a HUGE difference.
  14. Holy crap. I never thought of that. So, it is like you are paying for two health insurance policies. Screw that!! +1
  15. Okay....if it is too cold to ride on saturday, I may be driving, but I will be there. I friggin hate Ohio. What is up with this state?
  16. I'm on a mission now boys!! woo woooo
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