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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. No really...I was being sarcastic. I was referring to how I change my mind so much
  2. I know...srsly, but she's got a cute face.
  3. So how was it? I know I know...would have been better if I was there.
  4. I was (am) actually a member of sportbikegurls.com and there are a few guys on there too. Well, a local guy told me about OR and I signed up last year. Then my account got deleted (don't know how) and I signed back up again this month. woo woo!
  5. Did anyone look at the rest of the articles? Like the dog that got hit by a car, then some guy tries to beat it to death with a hammer. OMG!
  6. Well, I guess this thread totally took off cause of my comments. But, my comments took off cause of that ^^. You ain't the only chica here....chica. You set yourself up
  7. But, I am also married and all kidded up...duh
  8. ^^ I'm not goin' there cause I have no room to talk.
  9. Fo sho woman! You don't need no stinkin' volley ball. Come on out to bike night and I will play som v-ball with ya...kay. I'll string up some nets and everything
  10. um no. that was a complement. duh. cat fights are for amatuers. i'm too old for that rubbish.
  11. hellllo. you can see them thangs in her profile pics. it may be a push up bra, but she still got some
  12. And....she wasn't. She hates getting pictures taken.
  13. I retract my statement... looks like it will rain tomorrow.
  14. Can't we move this to tomorrow? High of 69 and not so windy. It is going to be a low of 39 tonight.....brrrrrrr
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