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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. Ha ha! Well, maybe I will see you at the Spring Get together next saturday and I will try it out.....if you bring it. But, I think a 1000 will be a little too much for me. The 650 is just right
  2. Yeah, I believe you referred me to honda east right? Or was that someone else. Anyway, they quoted me a FZ6 at like $5700 otd. Pretty good.
  3. Sat on an SV650s last night and didn't like it. I don't like having to lean forward so far. I like the standard feel. I also sat on a Yamaha FZ1 and it felt real nice, but I think I am liking the SV650 the most. I don't think they are making them for 2009. The Gladius is taking over this year, but they still have some 2008's at Honda East.
  4. srsly.... but I don't look like that
  5. So, which looks better with a chick on it....
  6. So, a lot of people are saying this bike looks ghey. What do you think? Sat on an SV650S last night and didn't like it, so I am in the market for a SV650, Yamaha FZ6 or possibly something like this. Opinions?
  7. ^^ OMG, I think i just crapped myself!
  8. It was comparable to the first one, but better. Nothing like all those others in between like Tokyo Drift. Nothing like that. Good plot, and they brought back all the original actors.
  9. I just can't stand how the weather jumps around. It is 70, then it is 20...blah! It just sucks! And that day during the winter my thermostat read -18...don't even get me started.
  10. I will be there. Bringing cookies....an asortment.
  11. Saw FF last night, it was pretty good....
  12. You know...I am originally from GA and i really hate this state. No offense. I really want to go back, and if I could, I would.
  13. As a mother of three and 8 years your senior, I would say respect her parents as long as she is living under their roof. There is a ton of risk involved when taking on a passenger, and even though you may have done it before, you are still a rookie. I know that as long as my girls are living with me, I won't let them either. It only pays to keep a close watch over your children, and I don't blame her parents. If she wants to do what she wants, then she needs to move out and take on her own responsiblities. Not to be a bitch...but that's just the way it is.
  14. saw your add on craigslist...nice bike
  15. Juuust kidding. I don't want to offend anyone
  16. Maybe I will :D If he still has it. That is a great deal. I will call. Maybe next week you will see a post from me about my NEW FRIEND.

  17. Yeah, I saw it. Not sure if he still has it. But, I really want to go look at it, just not sure if I can handle the power or not. Won't know until I ride it, but I would ease into anyway. My husband wants me to get something smaller, but I figured that is practically the price of a 650, why not get a 1000 and be done with it ya know.

  18. Still thinking about the kid gear since I am about to put my 6 year old on the dirt bike. Will let you know. Waiting on husband to give me an answer.
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