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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. nevermind. i am late to post as usual That is a nice ride you got there.
  2. I actually was thinking about selling my ninja 500. It's an 01 with a little over 6K. Excellent shape....purple though.
  3. To add one more thing, as far as the bystanders are concerned...I don't know what the hell was going through their heads besides their own well being.
  4. Yeah, I have seen this. This happened several years ago. People are sick man. I know I have had several feelings of just chucking my kids out a window or down the stairs, but that is when you have to leave the room. I have even had to pull off the road and get out of the car to let my kid scream. Some people can't handle the pressure of having kids. And you would say well then they just shouldn't have kids, but the fact is people do ya know.
  5. But then you will know where I live
  6. Check out the one I posted where he eats it. I think he is dead, but Kawikid needs more proof
  7. Yes, stupid government computers. I see it now though..........sweet bike. It's so pretty
  8. I changed my avatar to reflect how I feel after seeing all your pics.... I am officially a ............... (fill in the blank)
  9. my husband has has both his acl's replace...twice. his didn't look that bad though
  10. On my home computer now and I can see them....wowsa:eek:
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