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Everything posted by OfcMav

  1. wow..that was way too long! Squid Test Evaluation So far, 13601 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 53. Your grade was 80 (from 0 to 100), and 0 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47. A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are a fairly responsible motorcyclist but a bit of a wise-ass.
  2. mcDs sounds good at 1230ish! as for food, doesnt matter to me as long as we get some grub! hocking hills sounds fun to me we will just have to see what time everything transpires and i can go from there...
  3. how about any good places around tuttle mall? im kinda familiar with that mall...maybe that BP there right off the exit? 1230ish?
  4. haha code 3 for donuts go! go! go! dont let them get cold!!!!!! haha j/k i actually refuse to eat a donut on duty...damn stereotype haha! as for if anything is logged...the type of call or something that is going on will be logged almost 95% of the time, it could be everything from a domestic in progress, car stop in need of backup, warrant check, etc, etc. there are the ones that give all other LEOs bad names to bust a light to go bs with other LEOs, oh well. lol
  5. some calls that LEOs go to are called basically code 2 calls....example...you have a fellow officer pulling over a car with someone that is known to have a warrant. now...the backup officer cant run lights and sirens to back the initiating officer up(unless the guy starts to run), so they go code 2 status which is...using your lights to get through traffic lights to get there at a spirited pace yet not running code 3(lights and sirens) to get to backup your fellow officer. now this does vary by department but if my backup officer has to use his lights through an intersection while not causing complete alarm to every citizen on the street...i want a fellow officer there asap no matter how many lights he goes through with his lights on. and other calls....we dont want the 'bad' guys to know we are coming.
  6. no, because you have no idea what type of call that officer is responding to. believe it or not most LEOs dont go through lights just to get the fresh donuts at the local Dunkin' Donuts. Go do a ride along with a fairly active department and you will have a better understanding of police operations.
  7. i was just using this as an example albeit a poor choice because of the civil tie ins, it is just the same principle when a police officer does the observing. heck if i am off duty in my jurisdiction and i see a vehicle operating in a reckless manner and almost causing accidents and possible serious physical injury to another, i can send them a ticket in the mail. just food for thought.
  8. its true, for everyone else, thats why some officers pull over people for no turn signal, bustest tailights, and other misc infractions...maybe not because they are a dick but prolly because they are looking for something more and you happen to look like a dirtbag that just made a traffic violation;) haha now issuing a citation after said stop without finding say crack, tar, or any other misc felony is a dick move. ok off my soap box. sorry all.
  9. As it pertains to a citation...if the vehicle is registered to you, you are ultimately responsible for any and all infractions committed on the bike, whether it was you or not. Now as for a defense in court, that is a different story and that is where it should be disputed. but an LEO can cite for infractions even if your identity was not confirmed. Thats exactly how the traffic light cams work...same principle. Crappy principle but the same
  10. Well are you saying by a 3rd party or are you asking if an LEO personally observed you and got the correct plate with matching vehicle that the plate returns to?
  11. doesnt work that way haha And in the end, these guys are only going to court because of the mandatory 30mph+ over....they will get a fine in the end and that is all. it is only a minor misdemeanor ticket. no other punishment other than a fine is permitted by law. as for discipline in their agency, im sure their ranking officers will not be pleased but an MM is very minor infraction when it comes down to it the law itself on a scale of crimes from MM-Felony...unlike some officers who get in fights off duty or etc that are charged with M1's and M2's. oh well. and for everyone who claims they would be treated different since they are not LEOs...thats not necessarily true...i am assuming these guys have a pretty clean driving record and that goes a long way.
  12. Actually...i have this in my closet...who needs that monster from robocop when you have....
  13. where there is a will, there is a way, even when we register our vehicles or change our address on our license to the headquarters....perps will always find a way. but the perp will have a rude awakening if they try anything here...both me and the fiance are LEOs....they will be having a very very bad day...
  14. it depends, mostly we give our work address because of this situation....the ticket became public record as cited in the article it displayed the station address instead of his home address. As an LEO we can get the address on our licenses changed to our headquarters address...honestly it has nothing to do with hiding anything from the dept...it is an officer safety issue/and the safety of our families, once your home address becomes public, every shitbag you ever arrested will track you down and potentially harm you and or your family. it is just usually a precaution for LEOs, i know some that have their addressed changed on their license, i know some that do not.
  15. Ill be coming down from mansfield, so some place easy so i can find it, im down for friday and maybe a short jaunt down to hocking!
  16. im free on friday afternoon as well?!?
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